Prop trading - is it a scam or is it good? - page 2

What are their risks? Just yours? It's the same as trading on your own at great risk and yet sharing the profits with others. These are clearly not profitable terms!
"In the event of losses as a result of trading, the Trader will compensate for them at the expense of the funds in the trading account. " - that's right, the trading conditions are not in your favour.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
What is their risk? Only yours? It is the same as trading on your own with a lot of risk and sharing the profits with others. These are clearly not favourable terms!

Their risk is minimal, it's really true, I think they also put their money overnight at interest or they have an interest-free loan themselves - in general they have cheap money.

About the same or not the same, let's say I have a strategy that needs GO (margin) of 100 000 roubles, with a drawdown in the tests does not exceed 5% (5000 rubles), then I just keep 10 000 roubles in my account - for double the drawdown in real life. The remaining 90 000 rubles I can invest in another strategy, or simply put in the bank at interest. I.e. there is a release of funds, but my risks do not change significantly.

Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
What's their risk? Just yours? It's the same as trading on your own with a lot of risk and yet sharing the profits with others. It's clearly not a profitable environment!

Think of it as an investor without the inherent psychopathic behaviour of the average investor.)

Added: Unless it's a scam, of course - to get passport details and a scan, for example.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Well, I obviously won't do it myself, but I will offer work on a freelance basis now.

So maybe they can provide such an opportunity in-house

A scam.Aliaksandr Hryshyn is right.

A prop company is something else than what you described. You can also trade with your own money, at first, to see what kind of trader you are, that you have traded with your own money - 100% of your own. You may use your own money and check what kind of trader you are. You should go to some place like United Traditions or other props.

So maybe they can provide such a feature in-house

They have a server under the QuickBooks at Otkritie broker, so they can't. And I think they have their own risk management software too.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

The drawdown is on their own funds, the office itself takes no risk at all, except for unforeseen circumstances when, say, server problems arise.

And BorzyyTrade :) This is not a broker, not a DC, so I do not seem to violate the rules.

It looks more like an advertisement, I do not see any advantages here at all.

I do not see any advantages in this situation.

What's the point then...

Кеша Рутов:


well, yes, it's not (at all) proptrading.
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Or is there a catch to these companies?

It's amazing how people get impatient to drain their dough!


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