A strategy with which to get into shorts. Usually before the cut-off, on stocks that can be shorted, JUNE JULY Harvest - page 21

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I get it. Time must be saved. I value my time too. Introductory lecture and free tuition is over).

Good luck!

ZS By the way, I looked it up for curiosity's sake. And here's how:

You entered according to your method (because the nearer is more expensive) on GP futures let's say at x=0, and then the development of your losses in time to the execution of the futures is 600 p, if I am not mistaken)).

Is this your theoretical deduction or do you trade cal. spreads?

The calendar spread is also an interesting topic. Here's a thought. If the nearest stock futures is in backwardation and the next futures after it is in contango. Then you could buy the nearest futures and sell the next futures from further away. The difference in price is already a guaranteed profit. From there it is a case by case basis. Or you can close both positions before the expiration of the first nearest contract. Or we wait for the expiration, then we get the delivery of shares, and then we follow the strategy "I sell the futures and buy a corresponding amount of shares".
Vitalii Ananev:
The calendar spread is also an interesting topic. Here's a thought. If the nearest stock futures is in backwardation and the next futures after it is in contango. Then you could buy the nearest futures and sell the next futures from further away. The difference in price is already a guaranteed profit. From there it is a case by case basis. Or you can close both positions before the expiration of the first nearest contract. Or we wait for the expiration, then we get the delivery of shares, and then we follow the strategy "I sell the futures and buy a corresponding amount of shares".

Think again...


Think again...

Do you think I've left anything out?

It's looking pretty good. The closest futures go out for delivery. So we buy the stock cheaper by a certain percentage. Of course, we miss the dividend. But the delivery price will be fixed. And with the next futures contract, which has a contango, we sell the shares, but at a higher price. For example: the basic asset costs 150 rubles, the June futures contract costs 100 rubles, the September futures contract costs 180 rubles. So we get the shares at 100 roubles and sell them at 180 roubles.

Vitalii Ananev:

Do you think I've left anything out?

Everything seems to be coming out nicely. The closest futures are going to deliver. So we buy the stock cheaper by a certain percentage. Of course, we miss the dividend. But the delivery price will be fixed. And with the next futures, which has a contango, we sell the shares, but at a higher price. For example: the basic asset costs 150 rubles, the June futures costs 100 rubles, the September futures costs 180 rubles. So we will get the shares at 100 roubles and sell them at 180 roubles.

1. Exactly, we buy one, and sell the other, as a result the shares = 0.

2. Stock futures are always traded in contango, only with dividends the far futures go into backwardation.

The price of the futures does not depend on whether it is in contango or backwardation, it depends on the price of the SPOT + the CB rate/days to expiration - the dividend.

In other words, you will not earn anything.


1. Exactly, buy one, sell the other, resulting in stock = 0

2. Stock futures are always traded in contango, only with dividends the far futures go into backwardation.

The price of the futures does not depend on whether it is in contango or backwardation, it depends on the price of the SPOT + the CB rate/days to expiration - the dividend.

I.e. you earn nothing.

I see.


The hunt was a success


The hunt was a success

were the divas recommended?


Have the divas been recommended?

No, they have already been announced.

But it's too late to buy, the market has already reacted.

But I didn't pick up much, I only have 2,500 shares of Severstal in my position.

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