Forecast from I - page 59

Alexsandr San:

You have somewhere around 1.34 in the GBPUSDDaily

You are risky - at the very top of the Boo.

Yes, you're right - this strategy is slower than the second one:

Serqey Nikitin:

Yes, you're right - this strategy is slower than the second one:

Your indicators - already tending towards the bottom - and you are in the boo for some reason?

Alexsandr San:

Your indicators - already tending to the bottom - and you - for some reason - went into a boo ?

The trend in direction has not changed... So there is a possibility of ending the pullback and continuation of upward movement...

The main profit has already been taken. On Monday the movement upwards will continue...

Serqey Nikitin:

The trend in the direction has not changed... So there is a possibility of ending the pullback and continuing upwards....

The main profit is already fixed. On Monday the upward movement will continue...

If it goes up on Monday, it will go up very well, till the end of the month (1.38).

If it goes down, I think we will see the 1.20 by the end of the month and the year.

Alexsandr San:

If it goes up on Monday, it will go very well until the end of the month (1.38).

If it goes down, I think we will see 1.20 again by the end of the month and the year.

These predictions are just guessing by coffee grounds... Trading on them is PROHIBITED!

Then why all these efforts?... Meaning?... Practical value...?

Serqey Nikitin:

These PREPARATIONS are just guessing by coffee grounds... Trading on them is PROHIBITED!

Then what's the point of all these efforts?... The point?... Practical value...?

I am also looking at the weekly chart.

Predictions may change ( just kidding )


Shit - Everything is pointing upwards.

But my brain's guts are pointing down - who should I believe? my brain or the charts ????????


Alexsandr San:

Who to believe? Your brain or the charts ????????

On the chart - SIGNALS in the form of indicator reversals, i.e. - FACTS..., not illusions, not speculations, not fantasies...

Serqey Nikitin:

On the chart - SIGNALS in the form of indicator reversals, i.e. - FACTS..., not illusions, not speculations, not fantasies...

I agree with you - but the signals have gone so far that it is risky to go in ( Boo ) - and the charts still show in ( Boo ).

- The price went up, but it is too high and now I am afraid to enter the Boo market.

Alexsandr San:

I agree with you - but the signals have gone so far that it is risky to go in ( Boo ) - and the charts still show in ( Boo ).

- But it has gone too high and now I am afraid to enter the Boo

Yes, this is the second point - the right setting of the strategy...

For example in my second option:

1. partial profit fixed = 16,500

2. Position ( stop loss ) transferred to breakeven, which is the worst case = 500

3. Opening the next position on the reversal of all indicators STRONGLY following the trend, i.e. by the FACTS ( the signals on the chart )...

In the first option:

1. opening a position strictly on the trend,

2. correctly adjusted stop loss,

3. Waiting for the trend to continue...

Just facts and nothing but facts ...

You have to dream, but when...?

Serqey Nikitin:

And dreaming is one thing, but when?

You've convinced me - dreaming is one thing, and I'm left still dreaming.

I am waiting for the pair to decouple - I am stumped and the signals are bifurcated GBPUSDH2

Waiting for the pair's behaviour at MA144(brown line)