The right to apply for freelance orders is missing. - page 9

Почему капс - признак дурного тона?
Почему капс - признак дурного тона?
Есть нормы оформления текстов: деление на абзацы, написание больших/маленьких букв и т.д. В сетевом общении (именно общении, а не самостоятеьных статьях, объявлениях, рекламе и т.п.), поскольку на письме эмоции не отображаются, принято считать, что набраный большими буквами текст автор не просто произнёс, а проорал. Почему? Потому что если...
... Because if the first time you don't get an answer to your questions, it means that they need to be emphasized in some way, maybe then they will pay attention to them and get an answer. Even if it is a shouting match!
And then there are such concepts as "moderation of requests" and "warnings to correct violations", which are widely used on all services, except yours for some reason. But why the administration of such a large service does not comply with these long-established unwritten rules of the Internet, the question is certainly interesting.
I placed a request on April 19 and the work on it for 2-3 days. A week ago I would receive my EA, the performer would receive their money and the service would receive their commission. But administrators and moderators, for some reason on the question "why?" offer once again to read the rules, especially paragraph 4, and they themselves can guess why, as if there are only telepaths. And because of these bans without warnings and explanations, you yourself are pushing me to have to negotiate with the performer in some other way. And then you wonder why people are trying to bypass the service?
As the saying goes, "Keep it simple and people will come to you".

Please reclaim your freelance rights.

Never broke the rules, just didn't pay attention to the contact.

All correspondence with clients is through discussion of work.

I'm sorry, I will pay more attention.

Login alexivanov9911


Yes, I too found myself blocked because of this job. I promise to be more careful from now on. Please unblock me from freelancing

And I suffered from this order

Although I also thought it was not a violation, so I applied for it.

Please remove the ban I realized I was wrong


Nevertheless, orders with personal data can be triggered simply by placing them in an pdf file

Freelance service at Create EAs on MT4 / MT5 platforms
Freelance service at Create EAs on MT4 / MT5 platforms
Hi,This is the project to create a new EA with multi-purpose, multi-symbol and multi-time frames on both MT4/MT5 platforms All requests are described in the attached file.Priority for Developers who are able to complete as soon as possible and have the most accurate comments on my description.Best Regards,Sun Minh LayNote: I would like the project to be completed in the demo version within 10 days.The mq4 files will attached and send to coders after finish discussion.
Aleksei Beliakov:

Nevertheless, orders with personal data can be triggered simply by placing them in an pdf file

The task of finding everyone and punishing them is not set. Such violations are still rare

Rashid Umarov:

The task to find all and punish is not set. Such violations are still rare

The last thing I want is for someone to be punished.

The problem is that many people find it necessary to put their email or other contact details in documents - something like a copyright - and unfortunately we can't participate in such works.


it's also very common to ask

and then the customer chooses another contractor and the job is started.