The right to apply for freelance orders is missing. - page 8

Rashid Umarov:

The responding performer is killed. Took a few seconds. It's harder to revive him, takes more time. So you're your own evil Pinocchio.

Will you kill these too?


To be continued.

Evgeny Belyaev:

To be continued.

It's kind of all different products. The algorithms are different. Not the settings.

The pictures are the same, but the product names in the pictures are different.

Artyom Trishkin:

It's kind of like all different products. The algorithms are different. Not settings.

The pictures are the same, yes, but the product names in the pictures are different.

Artem, this whole thing is a slap in the face to Metaquotes. The slap is unambiguously blocking the possibility of its repetition and lifetime ip ban for all participants. This is company's position and I agree with it.

It is only unclear how to deal with Durov )
Three performers from the job with the customer's contact details have had their Freelance rights returned. All of them are listed here. There is no time to look for the others.
Rashid Umarov:
Three of the performers in the job with the customer's contact details have had their Freelance rights returned to them. All of them are listed here. There is no time to look for the others.

I have not been returned.


Yes, I found your post.

Sergey Diubakin:

I did not "take the order", especially in violation of the rules.

I did not see the contact details of the customer in the text of the order, I did not put my own contact details in the application, I did not get in contact with the customer, therefore I did not exchange contact details with the customer and I did not perform this order.

The only thing I did was to place a bid as a tenderer for the order. Show me the item(s) of the rules which I have violated with this action:

Am I justifiably banned from Freelance for an indefinite period of time? Are you justifiably accusing me of any violations?

One month (30 calendar days) has passed since the customer placed this order and my application in this order.

Even if we assume that I saw some contact information in the text of the order and intended to perform this order outside the freelance service, then what is the point of my placing an application in the order in such a situation?

You decided to "play" in the game "who will ask the trickiest question"? Instead of an answer to a simple question incomprehensible provocation scandal on the forum. Such actions do not at all beautify a moderator.

Appeal to the administration:

I'm not sure what conclusions you've drawn. I've written before - no time for intimate conversations

Rashid Umarov:

Yes, found your post.

I'm not sure what conclusions you have drawn. I've written before - no time for intimate conversations

Just unblock it then, that's all! Because I too am waiting for this particular contractor to fulfil my order. I could give my order to another contractor, or post on other services altogether, but that would be porkiness on my part!

Rashid Umarov:

Yeah, found your post.

Not sure what conclusions you've drawn. I have written before - no time for intimate conversations

Conclusions drawn - the applicant is not allowed to place their requests for execution in the orders in the text which contain any customer contact information, upon detection of such orders to report via the button "complaint". In my opinion, such a point in the rules of freelance service would not hurt anyone, as just placing applicant's request in the order does not mean that the applicant will exchange contact information with the customer before entering into an agreement and intend to perform the order outside the freelance service. If the bidder intends to complete the order outside of the freelance service, it makes no sense for the bidder to place an application in an order that contains any contact details of the customer. So I don't see the Applicant violating the rules about exchanging contact data between the Applicant and the Client in the situation discussed in this thread.

I was banned here for the first time. I didn't even think that a normal posting of a bidder without text in the order can be a violation of the rules and did not pay attention to the presence/absence of customer contact data in the text of the order. I assume that most of those banned for this order have the same situation.

Please remove the ban ...