Questions on the SI language - page 6

Generally, there shouldn't be much of a problem to rewrite with C/C++, mql, IMHO, is a kind of framework for C++ with an attempt to bolt on ideas from C#, but C#, in my opinion, has not really caught on. The main problem is to solve the lack of links, but here only by reinventing bicycles, if in a head-on way, the wrapper class. Well, and if you run into entities like vector, queue, etc., again, bicycles (those ancient, three-wheeled ones) in mql are our all )))).

Another interesting thing about accessing the fields of a structure with ->

Is it kind of a reference to the first element of the memory area the pointer refers to?

I haven't got to that part of the book yet. But on the whole, I already understand something

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Another interesting reference to structure fields via ->

I haven't used it, but google says it's really a structure field reference and you can replace it with a similar one:

score -> n == (*score).n

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Another interesting thing about accessing the fields of a structure with ->

Is it kind of a reference to the first element of the memory area the pointer refers to?

I haven't got to that part of the book yet. But on the whole, I already understand something

If it is an object, the fields are accessible through a point, if it is a pointer, through an arrow. This is just a cish nonsense - it is an occasion for forming a club of initiators. There is no sense in it anymore.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

If an object, access the fields via a point, if a pointer, via an arrow. It's just a Cish game - a reason to form a club of initiates. It doesn't make any more sense than that.

Why is it a game? In my opinion it's a nonsense to implicitly cast a pointer to a class the way it is done in mql.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

If an object, access the fields via a point, if a pointer, via an arrow. It's just a Cish game - a reason to form a club of initiates. That's all there is to it.

But what kind of a "game" is it? Working with structure pointers in C is very dense, constantly writing (*struct).field is more tedious than struct->field especially taking into account that in normal IDE when you put a dot next to the pointer variable type and select the field it automatically replaces the arrow.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Two things you shouldn't do:

2. announce on the forum that you are writing something, rewriting something or just doing something.

You are misrepresenting the real state of affairs. In the mql5.But there is a framework, after all this is not a club of infantile preschoolers who are interested in "everything on earth", a kind of camp "whiz kid", in addition there are business interests of esteemed Metakvot, I don't really like it when you write your own indicators, trading systems, scripts, within the scope of mql4\5 , nowadays even little bits of R and Python are not condemned, it's a certain sacrifice, because it scatters users to another technology, but that's the reality, sometimes you have to sacrifice, but C\C++ is too much... Firstly, it is too far from indicators and TS, and secondly, no one will accept that someone suddenly decided to write their own terminal with a tester by charts and gateways, it's outrageous, and everything goes to it, but those who look at C2C++ and C#\Java too, won't get punished. In fact, Mql was created partly to distance users from such possible competition with the founding fathers.

Кеша Рутов:

...this is too much... one will put up with...'s outrageous... ...if you don't slap those who look away...

Thank you! You lifted my spirits! ... there was once a joke (I don't remember the full story) that ended with the phrase "cut off his head, up to his balls!"

Your angry post for some reason brought back that association ))))

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Sometimes they'll write something, seemingly out of place, but it's catchy and funny, you can feel the background and subtlety of the moment.

but when a moron takes on the job and writes kilometres of pages, it really evokes sympathy.

usually, in the company, they just stare at such jokers in bewilderment.

Who is the joker, or rather the joker, we all know, is the one who is profiting from surfing the web as "knowledge", but in all seriousness, after 5 or even 10 years of programming first learned about recursion))))))

Such a sleeve has not been here for a long time, if I were him I would change the registration, or do something that is for those who have IQ <60

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Don't piss yourself under the weight of your self-importance.

Not my weight class, kid. You're gonna get hurt again, aren't you, or is that the goal?

Sadly, I don't even notice when I hit some mutt with some word and then it barks all the way. Probably still from the MO thread, holding a grudge.

What "offense"...

You, or rather your posts evoke feelings of tenderness on the one hand, a desire to take care of a puppy or child, but look at the photo, and there's an overgrown drone and want to give a belt, to kick him out to the labor exchange, If only as a watchman what or a loader that though that something has adapted to a LIFE, sooner or later all the same it is necessary, differently if to throw out absolutely kinder, web-serfer in a life it will mad finally, and in a lunatic asylum worse than the watchman.

PS: When will you write something on Ruby?