The Sultonov system indicator - page 18

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

like the bullshit that you can just isolate a trend and a few periods

Such constructions are taught to students and nothing better in time series prediction has been invented yet.

And there is nothing more to predict on a random BP. The linear trend sets the trend, i.e. the system does not always break down immediately as trends have some inertia (except for swan stories). The other components adjust as well. By extracting information from only the last 5 values you simply kill any information in BP at all, there is nothing to predict

Stay with your illusions based on unsubstantiated assertions Many of my questions and perplexities you chose not to answer, covering your face behind a screen of lies due to slander.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Stay with your illusions based on unsubstantiated assertions Many of my questions and queries chose not to answer, covering your face behind a screen of lies due to slander.

As if a cow had been lost

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Stay with your illusions based on unsubstantiated assertions Many of my questions and queries chose not to answer, covering your face behind a screen of lies due to slander.

Why did you create this thread? So that everyone could just admire the forward-looking indicator?
Vladimir Baskakov:
Why have you created this topic? So that everyone can just admire the future looking indicator?

No, it's not, it's just a person looking for new opportunities and patterns in forex in order to make themselves an earning expert in the future. If you have already found everything you wanted to find, then kudos to you, just don't stop others from doing it too.


No, it's not, it's just a person looking for new opportunities and patterns in forex in order to make themselves an earning expert in the future. If you have already found everything you wanted to find, then honour and praise to you, just don't stop others from doing it too.

Let him look, but there is nothing in real life yet, and he swears at those who criticise him.
Vladimir Baskakov:
Let him look for it, but there's nothing in the real world yet, and he swears at the critics

It can and should be understood. Those who have been in forex for a long time know this situation, when some seemingly interesting idea comes to your mind. You are passionate and obsessed with the idea, zealously defending it, preventing the possibility of its collapse, and therefore fighting off all critics of the idea. Time passes, the idea is not confirmed, you grow cold to it, and you begin to realize that the critics were right. You start coming up with something new again, and so on in a circle).


It is understandable. Those who have been in forex for a long time know this situation, when some seemingly interesting idea comes to your mind. You are passionate and obsessed with the idea, zealously defending it, preventing the possibility of its collapse, and therefore fighting off all critics of the idea. Time passes, the idea is not confirmed, you grow cold to it, and you begin to realize that the critics were right. You start coming up with something new again, and so on in a circle).

Vladimir Baskakov:
Let him look, only there is nothing in real life yet, and he swears at those who criticise him.

I apologise to everyone if I have offended them in any way, please.


No, it's not, it's just a person looking for new opportunities and patterns in forex in order to make himself an earning expert in the future. If you have already found everything you wanted to find, then honour and praise to you, just don't stop others from doing it too.

Thank you for your support.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Do you already have the formulas and ToR ready?

I just don't understand why you can't order it from the marketplace if you have everything?

If you want it for free, then you can post here the excel with automated calculations - it would be much clearer.

There are TOR for Expert Advisor with formulas and excel file. ***