mql5 - vertical line after a certain time since the last trade - page 7

Vladimir Karputov:


Man, how could that be? I'm sure that's how I tried it - it didn't work :))))))
Vladimir, thank you! All ok!

total so far

Maybe someone can share their experience...

I want to display a lot of data in Comment. The information on top of the price chart is hard to read. I've found information about the possibility of creating information panels in subboxes, but it's still a bit complicated for me, I think.
I thought, maybe part of the main window can be blocked by a vertical rectangle with background fill width of Comment? I.e. sort of vertically divide the main window into 2 parts


Somehow it came out like this -


001.jpg  390 kb
The percentage and bar graph at the bottom shows how much time has passed from the last closed trade to when you can start to trade(vertical line on the price chart)
If anyone is interested, the file has been added.
Thanks again to everyone who participated in the dialogue.
I would like to single outVladimir Karputov for his invaluable help
_start.mq5  31 kb