Simulate the situation. If 1,000 people were forced to trade amongst themselves, how would the graph behave? - page 22

Andrey Gladyshev:


It's about the trembling in your hands)

Andrey Gladyshev:

And at the end everyone will sit in a glass and wait)

No, then the bidder will send a "goon" in the form of information or a price destroyer. And that's where it starts...


Why should it (the situation) be modelled?

with some accuracy, you can just take a look :-)

on almost any newly invented cryptocoin. The nature of emergence and total volume is given, the placement conditions are known. Quotes and turnovers are in front of you.

The only difference is not 1000 people forcibly trade 1 symbol. But everything is known about the instrument.

And it is not even a currency :-) but an exchange-traded instrument.

Vasily Belozerov:

No, then the bidder will send a "hitchhiker" in the form of information or as a price destroyer. And that's where it starts...

Initially, there are no HOLIDAYS in this model).

Andrey Dik:

price does not move on its own, but in response to the reaction of the crowd, and the crowd in turn reacts to the price movement. nothing here can be primary or secondary, and price and the crowd are equivalent and react to each other's actions...

it's like asking what came first, the egg or the chicken? the chicken comes from the egg and the egg from the chicken, the price from the traders and the traders from the price.

Exactly! (I have the feeling that a lot of people in this wonderful thread, if they don't find the Grail, they get very close to the point :) Every question is bull's-eye. Every answer is close to the point.

The picture to your post, a hand drawing a hand, very accurately reflects the essence of what is happening in the markets, on a global level.

If those 1,000 people are unable to deposit and withdraw then the graph should take the form of a decaying oscillation
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If those 1000 people will not be able to make any deposits and withdrawals then the chart will have to take the form of a decaying oscillation

it's unlikely.... More likely the price will rise exponentially, then collapse to 0 (assuming no deposits or withdrawals), and all the assets there will be no one to sell will flow into one hand.

Andrey Dik:

it's unlikely.... More likely the price will rise exponentially, then collapse to 0 (assuming no deposits or withdrawals), and all the assets there will be no one to sell will flow into one hand.

I considered the option if the system is an equilibrium system. such a system would have an attractor point. one person would take all the money.

If all these 1000 people trade according to normal market rules where they will be able to deposit and withdraw funds and provided that everyone has different amount of money, then the chart will not differ from the normal market chart.

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