Automatic checking of products in the Market (questions and suggestions) - page 7

Evgeniy Zhdan:

Out of array on line 387 character 30. That's what it says. You have to check the array.

I got what it says. But this is VWAP. How could it be outside the array?
Moreover, I took the eurodollar and applied my VWAP to this very date. And everything draws fine.
Again not quite clear, if the TF is H1, what is this time - 00:00:30? Where did the seconds come from?


Now it's been running validation for an hour and nothing at all. No cancellation, nothing...

With all due respect, of course, but are there any people directly responsible for uploading scripts on the resource as a whole? Well, if something fails with the automation, there must be a manual verification, right? I just don't quite understand - the script works, I use it - what's the problem?
Anton Polkovnikov:
The script works, I use it - what's the problem?

You make a script and put it in the indicators section?

Evgeniy Zhdan:

You make a script and put it in the indicators section?

Well, I just call any code a script for the sake of simplicity. This is definitely an indicator. VWAP.

All right, the stone flower has come out! Thank you all!