Help formulate - page 4

It looks like the previous bar (X) broke through the high (or fractal) in N periods and the next one - marked with the arrow - closed above the high of X.

Here, all the conditions are met, but the candle marked with the arrow is hardly an upwards impulse.

I also thought about attributing some kind of fractals, but at some point I realised that this is not the case.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Select performers carefully, because there is a tendency to win the tender and get the job before assessing your capabilities. I don't think you want to be in that situation.)

I certainly don't. Thanks for the advice.


Here, all the conditions are met, but the candle marked with the arrow is hardly an upwards impulse.

I also thought about attributing some kind of fractals, but at some point I realised that was not the case.

Nope, not observed. The previous bar did not break anything. And here's another criterion, it seems - the close should be above about 2/3 of the bar range.

I haven't found a similar topic.

Can you please tell me how to describe the pulse correctly in the ToR?

I understand how it looks on the graph, I can explain it on my fingers, but I can hardly imagine how to put it succinctly on paper.

Thanks in advance.

I need to find a programmer who will make an indicator that recognizes these impulses. There'll be a lot of tweaking and fine-tuning until the recognition is exactly what you need...

Nope, not followed. The previous bar didn't get anything through.

Well, yes, it's a bit of a stretch. But that is not the point, I wanted to say that even with these conditions the last candle will not always be an impulse.

And here's another criterion, it seems - the close should be above about 2/3 of the range of the bar.

Here we need to find some balance in description, we can put a million limitations and wait for ideal candle for weeks, or we can gather everything that even resembles a pulse.

In the draft I settled on a simple description, small shadows with a big body with the explanation of what is small and what is big.

Nikolay Ivanov:

You need to find a programmer, who will make an indicator with recognition of these pulses based on your explanation "on the fingers"... And you'll have to make a lot of adjustments and refinements until the recognition is exactly what you need...

I understand that there will be a million more adjustments and clarifications, but it's all outside the ToR, and I wanted neither myself, nor the programmer to complicate the work, and in the same ToR to set out as much correct information as possible.


I understand that there will be a million more adjustments and clarifications, but it's all outside the ToR, and I wanted neither myself, nor the programmer to complicate the work, and in the ToR to set out as much correct information as possible.

The programmer can make up his own TOR from your words. Only few will do it for free


I understand that there will be a million more adjustments and clarifications, but it's all outside the ToR, and I wanted neither myself, nor the programmer to complicate the work, and in the ToR to present as much correct information as possible.

but give a definition of the word pulse

I understand that there will be a million more adjustments and clarifications, but it's all outside the ToR, and I wanted neither myself, nor the programmer to complicate the work, and in the same ToR to present as much correct information as possible.

This is how I see the structure of the task:

- First you give the definition of the pulse. The pulse is.... In the ToR you can write it.

- Then you define the conditions: If there were N growing candlesticks in a row (N in the settings), then wait for the impulse candlestick. You can make a slightly different condition. For example: find the maximum number of candlesticks rising in succession, and analyze the last of them, or analyze the change of the angle of growth/decline. Or if there were rising candlesticks in a row, and they meet such conditions, then... All the conditions should be put in the settings for the correction.

- Define the parameters of an impulse candle: The size is greater by K times relative to the average size of the previous candles (take K to the settings). You can add to the settings the choice of what to calculate the size of the previous candle, the average of N, or fill in some more variants

- Define the form of an impulse candle: the size of High in pips should be X times smaller than the size of the candle's body. LOW size in pips should be X1 times smaller than the size of the candle's body. Take X and X1 in the settings. You can choose more or less also in the settings and separately for LOW and High. Here we should consider that High for an ascending impulse is the same as Low for a descending one. That is, depending on the direction of the impulse, coefficients for them will be swapped.

- You should determine the size and position of High and Low of the previous candle relative to the impulse one.

- attach detailed pictures and explanations. The programmer should not think about anything except how to write the code. If he thinks about it, he won't do it the way you want.

-I recommend adding a search function based on history. It means, how many candlesticks ago to start searching for an impulse. If it is 0, we will search by the current situation. If it is 1, then we check the previous one, and so on, in order not to search through the entire history. Or, vice versa, it can be set to search the entire history for the last 1000 candles and mark all situations. This number can also be specified in the settings. The switch between these modes can be implemented. One of them is for analysis, and the second one is for the Expert Advisor. The Expert Advisor will not have to trawl through the entire history, and this will strongly affect the speed of action.

This way you will get a flexible tool with a large number of settings on which you can configure your model.

Nikolay Ivanov:

The programmer can draw up the ToR himself from your words. But not many people will do it for free.

The terms of reference are fully prepared except for what exactly is meant by the word impulse. Or is it possible to order on a freelancer just to formulate it?