Advertising: GOOGLE and YANDEX again


Greetings all.

Friends, bringing up the topic of GOOGLE and YANDEX advertising again

Is there a solution? Maybe someone has found one?

Yandex does not work with Ukraine.

Google doesn't allow forex ads..... only YouTube

Has anyone found a solution?

Advertising on trams and trolleybuses. Advertising on billboards...
Vladimir Karputov:
Advertising on trams and trolleybuses. Advertising on billboards...

Handing out flyers? :-)

Vladislav Andruschenko:

Handing out flyers? :-)

Not "... in ...", but "... on ...". There are lots of firms that advertise offline - they paint trams, buses and trolleybuses. And, also, in the underground cars riveting ads (of course all official).


I'm imagining this commercial.

Write on your forehead
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Write on your forehead.

have you found such a solution?

And how? Does it help?

And what font did you write on your forehead?

In the left or right corner? Size? Details?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
Write it on your forehead.

Well, don't be like that... Some girls rent out more interesting areas of their body than their forehead.

Vladislav Andruschenko:

did you find such a solution?

How is it? Does it work?

What font did you write on your forehead?

In the left or right corner? Size? Details?

I've never done it, different area of interest.

but you can Arial 55 font, centered... size matters.

Alexey Viktorov:

Well, why so... Some girls rent out vacant areas of their bodies for advertising, more interesting than their foreheads.

to put a girl's panel on her back is a thought.

and let it clang

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I've never done it, it's a different field of interest.

but you can Arial 55 font, centered... size matters.

So I was asking those who have found a solution.

Did you find the solution and stuff it on your forehead? No? Then what is your advice?