My approach. The core is the engine. - page 141

Until a person comes to the conclusion that it is more convenient and easier to work with the OPP. All he will be told is like a pea against a wall. If he likes to build a garden around a fence, let him do it, as long as he doesn't get into his neighbour's house.
Konstantin Nikitin:
Until one comes to the conclusion that it's more convenient and easier to work with OOP. All he will be told to do is just peas in a pod. If he likes to make a hedge around the fence, let him do it, as long as he does not get into his neighbour's house.

It won't, Konstantin ! That's just it, Peter remembers all the features, all the subtleties of his system, not to mention the basic settings !

And I quite understand him. I even envy his inexhaustible memory. I have already forgotten in the subtleties of what was written yesterday. And what I wrote a month ago has completely disappeared from my mind - that's why I write a lot of comments in code (not to mention self-documenting of code), that's why I try to use encapsulation and virtualization at all costs, so that I would have access only to entities that are needed at a given place and nothing else would be available.

But, if I remembered everything... I probably wouldn't think "it's easier with OOP" either...

So... In my opinion, Peter shouldn't study OOP, but look for a target audience - as far as I understand, there's nothing to brag about...

Maxim Kuznetsov:

no documentation, so links from memory (somewhere from the depths of the track) :-)

1. you generate a function file with many nested switches which dispatches messages from UI elements to "pressed" "released". The user types in reactions to events there.
You changed-edited the interface, now what about this file?

2. What is the amount of work, e.g., a user should do to divide the above mentioned panel into two windows - one containing buttons and the second containing a table (so, for example, the user could close it and not loiter on the screen)?
And, for example, some columns should be swapped. It's just typical - make a layout, use it, change the appearance to a more convenient one

1. A new file is simply printed. Copy the settings from the completed file into the new one. There will be a certain amount of routine with this, so it's better to think about the GUI beforehand, and then fill in the connection file.

2. The constructor is easy to work with. And you can copy the whole ready pieces of KIB-code. You don't even have to learn it all. But with files after GUI changes (if they have already been filled in), you will have to make some fuss.

Georgiy Merts:

It won't, Konstantin ! That's just it, Peter remembers all the features, all the subtleties of his system, not to mention the basic settings !

And I quite understand him. I even envy his inexhaustible memory. I have already forgotten in the subtleties of what was written yesterday. And what I wrote a month ago has evaporated completely from my mind - that's why I write a lot of comments in code (not to mention self-documenting of code), that's why I try to use encapsulation and virtualization, so that in any place of code I would have access only to those entities, which are needed in this place, and everything else would be unavailable.

But, if I remembered everything... I probably wouldn't think "it's easier with OOP" either...

So... in my opinion, Peter should not study OOP, but look for a target audience - as I understand it, there's nothing to brag about here yet...

And if not OOP, what would replace such a thing:

struct SY{
   int x[];

SY y[];
And for a genius memory to go away, it can be enough to catch an exotic flu.
Georgiy Merts:

That's the thing: Peter remembers all the features, all the subtleties of his system, not to mention the basic settings !

And I quite understand him. I even envy his inexhaustible memory.

It's an illusion that memory is good, unfortunately, 99.9% of people are all the same as their memory.

Memory is the formation of long-term synaptic connections between nerve cells - it is a daily "rolling track" from one cell to another, by the way and gained experience has similar long-term connections between the cells of the brain.

That's why if topikstarter for several years is spinning his code in his head, he knows it perfectly well, but if he sets his mind to fishing for example, he will determine number of fishing hook, sinker or spoon without mistakes, but in a year he will look at his code "like at a new gate" ;)

For example, many people had good knowledge of mathematics when they studied in high schools, but now ask anybody how to find the derivative of an uncomplicated function, I suspect that about 90% will not be able to find the derivative, which when they studied in high school even threesome could solve without problem - synaptic connections are loose, something remains, but they must be restored by solving examples in a few days.

ZS: By the way, the work of the media is arranged - a daily brainwashing ))))

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And if not oop, what would be the substitute for such a case:


Peter will get twisted with two-dimensional arrays, setting his jeep's limit to twenty-one lines.


Here are links to videos on how to work with the builder. (for those who are interested).


1. Creating menu windows.

2. Creating simple settings windows

3. Working with the taskbar

4. Creating a copy of the MetaEditor settings window (part 1)

5. Creating a copy of the MetaEditor settings window (part 2)


Video is amateur, so unprofessionally done. Sorry.

However, they are more than enough to understand how to work with the GUI builder.


The brain is made up of 80 per cent fluid and not only is it brake fluid, but many people haven't had it refilled...

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The brain is 80 per cent fluid, and not only is it brake fluid, but many people have been overfilled...

They may have poured it all right, but the hardener was too much. Well, as usual, the best thing is the best thing is the best thing.

Igor Makanu:

is the illusion that memory is good, unfortunately, people are 99.9% the same as their memory.

Memory is the formation of long-term synaptic connections between nerve cells - it is the daily "rolling of the track" from one cell to another, by the way, acquired experience has similar long-term connections between brain cells.

I've heard and read a lot about A. Markov... (By the way, I recommend to all those interested in evolution, biology, anthropology). Synapses... neurons... dendritic spines...

Peter's memory is different! Like cuneiform clay tablets... Written for the ages!

Something to be jealous of!