Wrote a trading robot and tested it with a negative balance.... - page 6

Serqey Nikitin:

It's hard to get a result by trying variations... You can waste a lot of time and end up with a zilch...

It's better to begin with the development of a clear theory. In this case, you will be able to clearly correct your attempts in the generator of Expert Advisors...

Have you developed such a theory? If so, why don't you write an article? We'd love to read it.

Serqey Nikitin:

It's hard to get a result by trying options... You can waste a lot of time and end up with a zilch...

It is better to start by developing a comprehensible theory, then the attempts in the EA generator can be intelligibly corrected...

Yes, yes... I agree with the suggestion made above.

Where is this "miracle theory"?

For me - the market is like a boat, on the bottom of which is wet, and in which passengers - rushing from one side to the other. If everyone is equally seated, the boat will not rock, but everyone will get a little wet. If there are more people on one side, they will get wetter, but the minority on the other side will get less wet. And those who are lucky enough to "jump" for a long time on the board with fewer people may end up dry at all. But what theory is possible here? None at all! The same simple mash-ups, levels (speed of people or their number at boards) - works not worse than mathematical models describing the crowd behaviour with the help of diffusers. In that case, why make such a mess?

The theory may be invented... But what is the point?


Georgiy Merts:

But what theory is possible here? None at all ! The same rudimentary mash-ups, levels (speed of people or their number at boards) - work no worse than mathematical models describing crowd behaviour with the help of diffusers. In that case, why make such a mess?

You can come up with a theory. But what's the point?

It's too simplified ... Have you ever thought about development of OWN indicators (tools)? The logic is simple: if 95% of all traders are losing money, it means they are using primitive tools, and to reach the next level, you need to develop more effective tools than others who do not want to "set the garden on fire" ...

But you don't have to look for the point of innovation ... you just keep floundering in "this boat" ...

Georgiy Merts:

Yes, yes... I join in the suggestion made above.

Where is this "miracle theory" ???

For me - the market is like a boat, on the bottom of which is wet, and in which passengers - rush from one side to the other. If everyone is equally seated, the boat will not rock, but everyone will get a little wet. If there are more people on one side, they will get wetter, but the minority on the other side will get less wet. And those who are lucky enough to "jump" for a long time on the board with fewer people may end up dry at all. But what theory is possible here? None at all! The same simple mash-ups, levels (speed of people or their number at boards) - works not worse than mathematical models describing the crowd behaviour with the help of diffusers. And in that case, why make such a big deal out of it?

You can make up a theory ... But what is the point ?

Georges, you don't need to come up with a market theory, suffice it:

1. Be able to determine the direction of the price without delays.

2. To be able to work in a series of channels, built on different TFs.

3. To be able to eliminate losing orders.

I have 3 left, as soon as I finish it, I will start to manage the universe without attracting Santars' attention ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Georges, you don't need to make up market theory, it's enough:

1. Being able to determine the direction of the price without delays

2. To be able to work in a series of channels, built on different TFs

3. To be able to eliminate losing orders.

I have only point 3 left, as soon as I finish it I will start to manage the Universe without attracting Santars' attention ))

If I wanted to place an order without delay, I would not need anything else. Item 1 is a tale, knowing the price direction and reversals without delay, profit is guaranteed!

Clause 3, on the other hand, contradicts clause 1, as loss positions, if clause 1 is correct, simply can't be...

I guess it's not so easy with item 1 if item 3 is needed...?

Very interesting))))
Serqey Nikitin:

Point 1 - just a fairy tale, knowing the price direction, and reversals without delays, nothing else is needed - profits are guaranteed!

But clause 3 contradicts clause 1, as unprofitable positions, when clause 1 is fulfilled, simply can not be...

Perhaps it's not so simple with item 1, since item 3 is needed...?

Correctly noted))))

Boys and girls:

1. Watch "The Wolf of Wall Street" ten times and most importantly, learn the line at the beginning of the movie; "First rule of Wall Street: Nobody, no matter how fucking Warren Buffett you are...nobody knows if stocks are going up, down, sideways or in circles...nobody knows - and especially brokers...it's all a hoomera!..You know what a hoomera is?"

2. If you do not know how to program and analyze the results by yourself - do not waste your money on losing deposits. Better invest in shawarma trade, or better yet, in a bank. The interest is small, but guaranteed. Nobody will ever give you a chicken laying golden eggs.

3. All trading in forex or the exchange is your opinion on the subsequent price movement of an asset.

4 Based on point 3. Think about it: in forex you only see a HISTORY of what happened. In real life, you can imagine it roughly as follows: a man enters a shop, buys a loaf of bread, and then a bunch of forex dealers divide into groups: some believe that he will also buy a sausage and vodka, others believe that he will only buy sausage, others believe that he will leave the shop, others believe that he will buy a cabbage, etc. But this is all speculation (hummer), because you do not know his intentions. If you knew what instructions his wife gave him, it would be a little easier )))

5. Proceeding from point 4. Think about where you can get any information about the intentions of the buyer from p.4? If anyone has guessed - that's right, from the exchange information: the trades feed, the stock market, volumes, and, well, the price movement.

6 Based on paras. 1-5, throw forex in the trash and study stock trading, taking into account the above paragraphs 1-5 ))


Boys and girls:

1. Rewatch "The Wolf of Wall Street" ten times and most importantly, learn the line at the beginning of the movie; "First rule of Wall Street: Nobody, no matter how fucking Warren Buffett you are...nobody knows if stocks are going up, down, sideways or around...nobody knows - and especially brokers...it's all a hoomera!..You know what a hoomera is?"

2. If you do not know how to program and analyze results independently - do not waste your money on loss deposits. Better invest in shawarma trade, or, even better, in the bank. The interest is small, but guaranteed. Nobody will ever give you a chicken laying golden eggs.

3. All trading in forex or the stock market is your opinion on the subsequent price movement of an asset.

4 Based on point 3. Think about it: in forex you only see a HISTORY of what happened. In real life, you can imagine it roughly as follows: a man enters a shop, buys a loaf of bread, and then a bunch of forex dealers divide into groups: some believe that he will also buy a sausage and vodka, others believe that he will only buy sausage, others believe that he will leave the shop, others believe that he will buy a cabbage, etc. But this is all speculation (hummer), because you do not know his intentions. If you knew what instructions his wife gave him, it would be a little easier )))

5. Proceeding from point 4. Think about where you can get any information about the intentions of the buyer from p.4? If anyone has guessed - that's right, from the exchange information: the trades feed, the stock market, volumes, and, well, the price movement.

6 Based on paras. 1-5, throw the Forex in the trash and study stock trading, taking into account the statements in paras. 1-5 ))

Is the stock market the answer? Do you even trade on the exchange? )

Bids in the market glass in no way show buyer intent because these bids as set so miraculously and disappear when the price.

And these craftsmen who clog up the glass with bids with good volumes full.

I'm watching this at the exchange for 10 years already.


Is the stock market the answer? Do you even trade on the stock exchange? )

Orders in the market glass in no way show the intention of the buyer because these orders as it is set so miraculously and disappear when the price.

And these craftsmen who clog up the glass with bids with good volumes full.

I've been watching this at the exchange for 10 years now.

I only trade on the exchange, as he said, "...you can get some information about intentions", that is, there is no other. And, of course, that information is not a panacea either. There are no friends in the world of money. You want to make money from those who have lots of money! In reality, they are the fisherman and we are the mass of small fish. Our lot is to take a bite out of the bait and not get caught on the hook (stoploss).

As for the stock bids. Here's how to filter out the "bait". For example, consider only the zero level. Few people take risks there, except serious players.