Wrote a trading robot and tested it with a negative balance.... - page 3

Максим Лыков:

Isn't the robot determining under what conditions it has to do it? Or am I mistaken?

no you're not. Of course it does - that's why it's a robot. Save your money for freelancing.

Georgiy Merts:

Yup, Alexey, it's a common thing.

This is exactly why I absolutely do not want to take part in Freelance. In real life, I have worked a lot with clients, where you quickly gain the experience to be able to tell an inadequate person from their first phrases, and to refuse under plausible pretexts. But here - you don't see the person, the maximum you can get is a Skype conversation - and so you can not always understand on the spot whether the task is worth it or not.

In addition, in today's world, people primarily try to shift responsibility to others. And if something goes wrong - you will be the one to blame... What's the point?

So I'm practically no longer engaged in writing for hire, I take interesting orders from time to time. For example, I took an order to work with futures for MT5. But the man on Skype in front of me was making deals manually using his system on the Moscow Stock Exchange and everything was successful. It is interesting and pleasant to work with such people. And there are so many dreamers around. Well, you know all this, I rather wrote it for TC))

Roman Shiredchenko:

No, you're not. Of course, you do it yourself - that's what a robot is. Save your money for freelancing.

And that may not help either. If you don't have your own developed TS. There is no money in freelancing will not save you from getting a similar misleading Expert Advisor.

Максим Лыков:
I watched a video how to write an Expert Advisor(trading robot) in MQL5, and I tried it and wrote it myself! But here's the problem, I tested the robot in trading and the tester showed that the robot will trade at crazy losses.....What went wrong and who can tell me? I want my own robot....No finances to buy..... Free cheese only in a mousetrap..... Find a kind man, vrozumi.....
Don't panic, don't get upset and take your time. (1) Trade manually first, using different strategies. (2) Choose a strategy that will bring some profit and you will like it. (3) Then program it. (4) Then long and hard study the work of your robot, competently (read how to do it) carry out various optimizations. If it still fails, go back to point 1 and do it all over again, etc.
Aleksey Ivanov:
Don't panic, don't get frustrated and take your time. (1) Trade manually first, using different strategies. (2) Pick a strategy that will give you some profit and you will like it. (3) Then program it. (4) Then long and hard study the work of your robot, competently (read how to do it) carry out various optimizations. If it still fails, go back to point 1 and do it all over again, etc.

I have one customer who has assembled a portfolio of several dozen signals, analysing them all the time, changing them and adding to them. He doesn't even do it himself, but a third-party person for hire. He is quite happy with the profit. True, he is a dollar millionaire, and can afford to have hundreds of thousands of dollars in aggregate accounts.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

I have one customer who has assembled a portfolio of several dozen signals, analysing them all the time, changing them and adding to them. He doesn't even do it himself, but a third-party person for hire. He is quite happy with the profit. True, he is a dollar millionaire and can afford aggregate accounts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Items (1-4) can be done on a demo, adding (5) to the system - check it on a real account with a few quid.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

I had a client who had no programming skills. I wrote him a robot based on his muddled thoughts, of course, a drain. So not only did he start changing buy to sell, he started changing minuses to pluses, and then multiplying by dividing! When everything collapsed, I turned out to be to blame.

How can I learn to identify pricks and morons at once? I remember Rashid wrote a sensible article on how to write the TOR correctly. I should have another article on how to correctly and early identify a mentally ill customer.

One man recently sent me TOR for 50 (!!!) pages and stats from a tester. The Expert Advisor is a pipsy, the tests are from MT4 to M15, i.e. nothing. I frankly wrote him that it was rubbish and I wouldn't waste my time on such G! The answer to my question was that I cannot coding, I do not understand trading, I could not appreciate the depth of his thoughts, etc. And that he would never, ever contact me again.

What was my surprise when in a week he sends me a cheerful email - how are things going, is the Expert Advisor moving forward? I have a couple more ideas to add to it! Drunk and doesn't remember anything? Out of haloperidol? Hzzzzz.

Thanks a lot for the tip.....Eonly person who decided to send the right way, and then one advisers ... I'm already working in a factory .... tired of miserable wages ... get another place is not possible ... and the financial pit pulls in the bottom ... I'm looking for a good man .... I have a lot of questions, and the answers probably I will never get....Excuse me, Alexey, what are your financial services in the field of writing robots(from....... and up to how many) ?If you want a lot and do not need - I can not write and do not want ... (Brain does not stand)

Максим Лыков:
I watched a video how to write an Expert Advisor(trading robot) in MQL5, and I tried it and wrote it myself! But here's the problem, I tested the robot in trading and the tester showed that the robot will trade at crazy losses.....What went wrong and who can tell me? I want my own robot.... I have no finances to buy..... Free cheese only in a mousetrap..... find a kind man, vrozumi.....
Maxim, why do you need your own robot? Sign up for "signals" and copy deals of those who have been doing it for many years. I understand that you're new to trading and are trying to find "your way" to earn some money and improve your self-esteem. Start with "making money".
Alexey Volchanskiy:

How can we learn to identify pricks and morons straight away? I remember that Rashid wrote a good article on how to write the TOR correctly. We should also write an article on how to correctly and prematurely identify a mentally ill customer.

I knew a friend of mine who worked in a patent bureau in Soviet times. He did an initial analysis of patents for inventions, i.e. what went straight into the bucket and what still needed to be read.

He said half the nonsense was weeded out by the simplest criterion - letter size. The bigger the letters, the less likely it is to be read. Nutters try to make their thoughts bigger by increasing the font in what they think are the key places. Or they just write everything in big letters if the patent as a whole is ingenious.

The second sign is the use of pseudo smart words such as structured water, torsion waves and other things that are very necessary in everyday life.

Many interesting works, he says, have been written so illegibly that it is hard to understand what he is talking about.

Nowadays you can learn a lot about a client by e-mail or phone. Read what he writes on forums. Look at the housing and utilities website, how much he owes for utilities, etc.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What was my amazement when a week later he sends a cheerful letter - how's it going, is the councillor progressing? I've got a couple more ideas to add to it! Drunk and doesn't remember anything? Out of haloperidol? Hzzzzz.

He ordered from someone else, he just got the soap wrong :))