The function of decomposing color into shades. - page 4

Artyom Trishkin:

So far, there's just a foreign car that's been painted. Why do people need a painted foreign car when the cart is real, and it serves?

It's about to get real. I'm working on it. It's just nice to know that what you're doing is needed by people. That's why I'm running this thread and others like it.

Artyom Trishkin:
What a miracle... You've been laying out colour, and you've laid it out in the GUI. But it's business as usual.

People ask why it is needed, where it is useful. What am I supposed to tell them? "Not why and nowhere. Just like that."?

George asked me why it's useful. I started to answer. And that's when you "got me.") That's not good.

Реter Konow:

It's about to get real. I'm working on it. It's just nice to know that what you're doing is needed by people. That is why I am running this and other similar themes.

I understand when, before the start of a development, a market study is carried out for that development, and then, based on the results of the study, work either begins or does not.

But with you, it seems there was no research, but there was, is and still is a self-confidence in the fidelity of the work you began. And you are so "fed up" with these self-assurances that people will soon start to flee. You with this self-conviction and reinforced pressing to everyone and everything the importance of your development, only became worse - it is like advertising on TV, which they laugh at, and definitely never buy "35 - because it is disgusting".

Frequent forced advertising has the opposite effect - repulsive.

Nikolay Semko, fxsaber, Anatoly Kozharsky (whom I remembered at once, may others forgive me) - they are not trumpeting on every corner about how "eeeh-geyushki!!!! how-ever I'll download!!!!, you will soon zakataaoooo!!!!", they just silently make and upload - surprise people forum with great solutions.

And you? Just blah, blah, blah. Sorry - that's my personal feeling. You are welcome to continue in the same vein. But I tried to make my point clear to you (not as a moderator, no - as a resource user).

Just do and show. Here in this thread - you did, you showed. Good. But then began the expected (personally for me) pushing his idea-fix. And do not care that people are weak support (and the more aggressive pushing, the greater the repulsive effect), we people will talk, explain, give reasons, but do not do silently.

In general - imho - you convince yourself and the people at the same time. And it should be the other way round - people should convince and show what the masses need.

Реter Konow:

People ask why it is needed, where it is useful. What should I answer them? "No reason and nowhere. Just like that."?

George asked me why it's useful. I started to answer. And that's when you "got me.") That's not good.

IN THE GUI? And what in the GUI needs to be so broken down into components? So that it blinks beautifully? Cool - flashing, shimmering. But it doesn't...

Artyom Trishkin:

I understand when there is research into the market for the development before it starts, and then, based on the results of that research, the work either starts or it doesn't.

You, however, do not seem to have conducted any research, but you have, are and continue to convince yourself of the correctness of the work you have started. And you are so "fed up" with these self-assurances that people will soon start to flee. You with this self-conviction and reinforced pressing to everyone and everything the importance of your development, only became worse - it is like advertising on TV, which they laugh at, and definitely never buy "35 - because it is disgusting".

Frequent forced advertising has the opposite effect - repulsive.

Nikolay Semko, fxsaber, Anatoly Kozharsky (whom I remembered at once, may others forgive me) - they are not trumpeting on every corner about how "eeeh-geyushki!!!! how-ever I'll download!!!!, you will soon zakataaoooo!!!!", they just silently make and upload - surprise people forum with great solutions.

And you? Just blah, blah, blah. Sorry - that's my personal feeling. You are welcome to continue in the same vein. But I tried to make my point clear to you (not as a moderator, no - as a resource user).

Just do and show. Here in this thread - you did, you showed. Good. But then began the expected (personally for me) pushing his idea-fix. And do not care that people are not very supportive (and the more aggressive pushing, the greater the repulsive effect), we will talk, explain, give arguments, but do not do silently.

In general - imho - you convince yourself and people at the same time. And it should be the other way around - people should convince and show what the masses need.

I just argue with people, defending my point of view. Haven't you noticed that on other topics I behave the same way? That's my peculiarity. I like to argue and defend my point of view. Also, I want to understand why I have such different views with people.

You see my behaviour through the prism of your own nature. Alas, nothing can change that.

Artyom Trishkin:

IN THE GUI? And what does the GUI need to be so broken down into components? To make it blink pretty? Cool - flashing, shimmering. But it doesn't...

Oh, come on, Artem ! Let's see what the "real foreign car" is all about. Peter said he's working on it. Fine. We'll wait.

I've already seen cool demos using Canvas. They looked really exciting. All we had to do was to find something useful. But, the authors got stuck in something useful. Let's see what happens with Peter. Maybe, indeed, something will come out.

Artyom Trishkin:

IN THE GUI ? And what in the GUI needs to be so broken down into components? To make it blink beautifully? Well it's cool - it flashes, it shimmers. But it doesn't...

Exactly. It's like an art form. Are you against it?)

Реter Konow:

I'm just arguing with people, defending my point of view. Haven't you noticed that I behave the same way on other topics? That's a characteristic of mine. I like to argue and defend my point of view. Also, I want to understand why I have such different views with people.

You see my behaviour through the prism of your own nature. Alas, nothing can change that.

People trade and you probably don't.

You convince the cat that apples are prettier, healthier and exactly what he needs.

Georgiy Merts:

Oh, come on, Artem ! Let's see what the "real foreign car" is all about. Peter said he's working on it. All right, then. We'll wait.

There were already some amazing demos using Canvas here. They did look exciting. All that was left was something useful. But, there is something stagnation in usefulness of the authors. Let's see what happens with Peter. Maybe, indeed, something will come out.

Well, you've just briefly repeated my point that I was telling Peter.

Artyom Trishkin:

People trade and you probably don't.

You convince the cat that apples are prettier, healthier and exactly what he needs.

Do you trade? Probably not either. But I want to be of use to everyone who trades. If you trade, my tools will also be useful to you. I'll help you if you need it.