Criteria for getting signals to the top - page 26

Andrey Karachev:

That's what it's all about: providers of such signals from cent accounts do not care at all about trading profits, much less subscribers' profits. They gain nice statistics on risky trading, losing dozens of cent accounts and betting the best one on the signal. Then they start working more cautiously and gain hundreds of subscribers, but in the end it ends up in big losses anyway. The Provider has a very modest account (in cents, even though it is displayed in dollars on mql) and by the time of receiving unacceptable losses he has already managed to repay all his investments in the lost accounts because the cost of subscription is much higher.

Isn't it allowed to use cent accounts?
Vladimir Baskakov:
They don't allow you to use cent accounts, do they?

Some small brokerages use the same servers for cent and dollar accounts, so they are indistinguishable for mql monitoring - all figures are displayed as if they were dollar accounts. This is actively exploited by scammers, earning not through profitable trading, but through subscription fees.

Just try to appreciate the beauty of statistics: Provider trades with initial deposit of $20, but his statistics shows a great amount of $2000. With 10-20$ initial deposit he can afford higher risks and increases it several times within several weeks, for example up to 100$. In this case, before monitoring of the signal on the website, drawdowns are concealed and may reach 80-90% at overclocking. After the signal is registered on mql, the drawdowns are kept within 10-20%, but the profitability decreases, of course. But potential subscribers see the following picture: a trader who starts his initial deposit of $2000 and in some 2-3 months increases amount on the account to $10000, risking 10-20% of capital. Of course, beginners have great confidence in him, and many of them invest thousands of dollars to use such a signal (thinking that the provider risks a comparable amount).

The results are usually quite sad: hundreds and thousands of subscribers with millions of dollars total capital lose almost all their earnings in 1-2 days and the provider loses only $100-200, but receives tens of thousands of dollars in subscription fees.

Andrey Karachev:

Some small brokerages use the same servers for cent and dollar accounts, so they are indistinguishable for mql monitoring - all figures are displayed as if they were dollar accounts. This is actively exploited by scammers, making money not through profitable trading, but through subscription fees.

Just appreciate the beauty of statistics in this case: Provider trades with initial deposit of $20, but his statistics show a great amount of $2000. With a 100$ initial deposit he can afford higher risks and increases it several times within several weeks, for example, to 100$. In this case, before monitoring of the signal on the website, the drawdowns are hidden, while they can reach 80-90% during the acceleration. After the signal is registered on mql, the drawdowns are kept within 10-20%, but the profitability decreases, of course. But potential subscribers see the following picture: a trader who starts his initial deposit of $2000 and in some 2-3 months increases amount on the account to $10000, risking 10-20% of capital. Of course, beginners have great confidence in him, and many of them invest thousands of dollars to use such a signal (thinking that the provider risks a comparable amount).

The results are usually quite sad: hundreds and thousands of subscribers with millions of dollars total capital lose almost all their earnings in 1-2 days, and provider loses only $100-200 at most, but receives tens of thousands of dollars as subscription fees.

Capitalism in general
Vladimir Baskakov:
Capitalism in general.
The Russian word "cheating" is more appropriate here ;) Capitalism, as I understand it, is after all a system of mutually beneficial business relationships. If the capitalist does not care about his reputation and offers his customers a 'tainted' product, then the competition will very quickly stop dealing with him. Of course, this only applies to our country to a small extent - we don't have many competitive industries.
Andrey Karachev:
The Russian word "cheating" is more appropriate here ;) Capitalism, as I understand it, is after all a system of mutually beneficial business relationships. If a capitalist does not care about his/her reputation and offers his/her clients products that stink, then the competition will very quickly stop dealing with him/her. Of course this only applies to our country to a small extent - we don't have many competitive industries.
What prevents you from making your own and not depending on anyone else?
Andrey Karachev:
The Russian word "trickery" is more appropriate here ;) Capitalism, as I understand it, is still a system of mutually beneficial business relationships. If the capitalist does not care about his/her reputation and offers his/her clients a 'tainted' product, then the competition will very quickly stop dealing with him/her. Of course, this only applies to our country to a small extent - we don't have many competitive industries.

Pushkin's famous lines: 'Those who are gone are far away' are often paraphrased as: "Those who are no longer there, but those who are far away".

At one time, the first and/or second year of study for all universities was a mandatory subject in political economy. It is still a compulsory subject, but it is neutered and clouded by such chapters as "Econometrics" and the like, which say a lot but say nothing in essence.

So, in 1952 the economic work "Economic Problems of Socialism" came out, in which the economic law of capitalism was clearly and unambiguously defined:

"The main features and requirements of the main economic law of contemporary capitalism could be formulated in the following way: securing maximum capitalist profit by exploiting, bankrupting and impoverishing the majority of the population of a given country; by enslaving and systematically robbing the people of other countries, especially the backward countries; finally, by conducting wars and militarizing the national economy in order to secure the highest profits.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

So, in 1952 the economic work "Economic Problems of Socialism" was published, in which the economic law of capitalism was clearly and unambiguously defined:

"The main features and requirements of the basic economic law of modern capitalism could be formulated approximately thus: by securing maximum capitalist profit by exploiting, ruining and impoverishing the majority of the population of a given country, by enslaving and systematically robbing the peoples of other countries, especially the backward countries, finally by wars and militarisation of the national economy, used to secure the highest profits."

I won't argue, all this has taken place and is still practiced in all sorts of bantustans run by the comprador elite. And once popular with us Comrade Engels pointed out that there is no crime a capitalist will not commit for the sake of 300% profit. Which, however, did not prevent him from being a manufacturer ;) By the system of mutually advantageous business relations under capitalism I meant the experience of advanced countries, which big capital uses as its safe haven: first of all the USA, Canada and Western European countries. There is no poverty as we understand it: Russian citizens are better off on unemployment benefits than in our countries, where people are in fairly good-paying jobs. These countries have reached another level of development thanks to progress in knowledge-intensive spheres, so capitalism is different there, not like in the writings of the classics of the 19th-20th centuries. There is no problem to produce wealth that is enough for everyone, and there is no need to take the last trousers off the poorest.

Going back to the topic of ranking, I will note that the signals that have more than a certain number of remarks drop out. When they are eliminated, the signals return back to the rating. Yesterday my risky signal got again an honorable number out of the second thousand, because the remark that the signal's lifetime is small was removed :)

Andrey Karachev:

Returning to the topic of the ranking, I would like to point out that...

"A bald man about a comb."

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

"A bald man with a comb".

I try to follow forum rules and at least partially stick to the topic ))) For the same reason, did not respond to the previous message, but since it is off-topic anyway, answer:

Vladimir Baskakov:
What prevents you from making your own and not depending on anyone?
There was a sad experience with relatives and friends, I also participated in the case, and I did not like it much. First of all, the taxes and other fees are very high - if you pay them in full, you have to give away more than 100% of your profits. Only in the decaying West can businesses operate at 3-5% profitability without problems; in Russia, no one will invest money in a business at less than 100% profitability per annum. Secondly, the need to pay bribes to all kinds of controlling structures, apart from the tax authorities (sanitary and epidemiological control, technical supervision, firefighters, etc.), otherwise they will be fined a lot. Checks no more than once every 3 years in accordance with the law - a fairy tale for fools: none of the officials in his pocket on a voluntary basis will not give up the money, so they will check without problems though every month "at the request of citizens. Thirdly, when business achieves reasonable profits, they start receiving unobtrusive offers to share profits with "roofies" or to take over the share of highly respected relatives of big chiefs. Otherwise, the business will either be squeezed out or shut down with a single phone call. I have seen such 'free enterprise' in my grave, so I make my living doing what respectable people find harder to get their hands on ;)
Andrey Karachev:

so I make money doing things that are harder for respectable people to get their hands on ;)

Attempts are being made. At least a year ago I heard that the speculative markets were going to be taken over in earnest.