The "Service Desk" section has disappeared - page 9

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Artem, still not tired of repeating untruths after some forum members? The thread was strictly about OOP, what the hell about girls? And let's not compare yourself, a moderator who can even get banned, with me, an ordinary forum member without any rights. This is incorrect to say the least.

Alexey, sorry to intrude, but you haven't noticed the obvious trend.

  • Several years ago the Russian part of the forum was the most aggressive, and by efforts of all users (including moderators) - this part of the forum became the kindest part.
  • The aggression has now moved to the English part, but in a strange way, and in what we call "fake news" (when you don't have to prove anything - just say it).

I don't want to look for links to threads now, but, for example, such threads (from memory):
- "How do you protect against admins stealing your codes in Freelance"
- and others ...

Three such threads in a week ...


A thread opened today where a comparison between mql4 and mql5 is made based on the following statements in the first post (without proof) - quotes "taken out of context":

  • "brokers and end users don't want to use MT5".
  • "MQL5 design doesn't seem to want designers to use it".
  • "Why not accept the truth, MQL5 is the wrong product".

These are not conclusions. This is the start of the discussion and these are the "facts" on the basis of which the top starter created the thread.
And what follows from him is just not a swear word ...

I already posted there and this post (from the pocket) of one of the English moderators -

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Why is MT5 better than MT4? It has fewer restrictions?

Alain Verlaine, 2017.01.22 12:56

Everyone is free to give their opinion and express it, but facts and data are more valuable. Somebody said earlier that MT5 is slower than MT4, this is an opinion. Such an opinion clearly contradicts the facts that it is just ridiculous and not worth discussing.

The problem starts when someone tries to present their opinion as the ultimate truth, to present their opinion as fact. And this happens often, sometimes so often that no one cares or even reads the opinion presented a hundred times as law. I will never agree with this, and I will not allow this behaviour to develop while I am a moderator.

Posting your post from a famous thread (with cuts) - to show - how you should start threads with criticism.

The discussion went into programming there, so I left the thread.


It would be good if more coders from here would participate in the discussions in the English part ...

By the way, the whale part of the forum is waking up and things will be much tougher there (that thread is also from the whale ...).

So, if you or someone feels like a professional in something specific for example, then go there - first to the English, and then to the Kit (with built-in online translator).
And by the way, (I don't know the statistics, but from what I see, where users come from) - most users of the English part of the forum have English as their primary language (not their first).

In Service Desk, most of the open applications were forcibly closed. I had 18 of them. Good. Now I can go in and see what those applications were. The problem is that I have looked at the applications on the first page, but the rest, I can't see, because the 2nd and subsequent pages are simply unavailable. Please fix this. I would like to see the applications forcibly closed.

A short-sighted decision, to put it mildly.

They would have made a filter for the competence of the bug reporters. The same and dumb questions would be closed silently or by auto-reply by keywords, but the real bugs would be fixed.

And now the forum will turn into an even bigger dump...

Who uses the financial services, of course the SR is still there.

Find the application number in the history and try to enter directly?ХХХХХ

Alexey Kozitsyn:
In servicedesk, most of the open applications have been forcibly closed. I had 18 of them.

I've got over 100 ) I'm just shocked. Some have been there since 2014. It's a pain in the ass to click on them now.

All but the last one closed.
Closed all but the last one.

This seems to be the case.

PS: They had a loop in the CD closing code with an error, started with 1 instead of 0 =)))

In addition to the disappearance of the service desk, there is also no 'contact a moderator' section for a particular product if you are a seller. So, for example, I now want to correct the product description and I can't do it, because I can't write to a moderator directly in my product...and how do I do that...
Mikhail Mitin:
In addition to the disappearance of the serrvice desk, the "contact a moderator" section for a particular product, if you are a seller, has also disappeared. So, for example, I now want to correct the product description and I can't do it because I can't write directly to a moderator in my how do I go about it...

The problem has already been identified before you.

We are still waiting for Monday...


The point of the whole situation is that we do not need the dashboard service, the developers need it to track and correct bugs, their errors and omissions in the terminals.

And now we are beating and complaining about what we do not need, we are the end consumer, we choose what is best.

The total exclusion of the service desk is the kind of fiddling around on your own, here's a forum for you to sort out on your own.

This is quite sad, I hope this is the right and deliberate step and will not create serious problems in the development of the service as a whole ...