The "Service Desk" section has disappeared - page 2

Alexander Puzanov:

Can you explain what this means?

The AI will process applications from the SR.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

I wonder how you envisage this? If before you see a problem and at least after some time you start to solve it, now everything is written in the "bugs, bugs, issues" thread? And hope that you do not miss it? Or create a separate branch for each bug and raise it from time to time? Where to post closed code, which must be read and processed by yourself only?

Create separate threads with full descriptions, please. Don't add everything in one topic.

First of all, involve other forum members to deal with the situation.

Try to describe the problem as fully as possible, attach logs, screenshots, code examples, etc. The main thing is not to play ping-pong, when only at 5-10 step of questions/answers you gather enough materials to analyze the situation and reproduce it.

Any technical problem must have an answer to the question "can it be reproduced". If there is no answer, then there is a high probability that the query will fail.

Unfortunately, we can no longer deal with the massive and ever-growing volume of poorly qualified queries and blatantly educational questions.

Our staff are not trading or programming teachers.

MetaQuotes Software Corp.:
Servicedesk is moving on to deal with financial issues only.

Transfer in the marketplace removed, service desk removed, what next ?

Place your bets ....

MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

Create separate topics with full descriptions, please. Don't add everything in one topic.

In the first place, involve other forum members to deal with the situation.

Try to describe the problem as fully as possible, attach logs, screenshots, code examples, etc. The main thing is not to play ping-pong, when only at 5-10 step of questions/answers you gather enough materials to analyze the situation and reproduce it.

Any technical problem must have an answer to the question "can it be reproduced". If there is no answer, then there is a high probability that the request will fail.

Unfortunately, we can no longer deal with the massive and ever increasing volume of poorly qualified queries and blatantly educational questions.

Our staff are not teachers of trading or programming.

Ok, so we create a branch, attach the code for reproduction, it is clear that an error (in the language/terminal) exists and it cannot be corrected by the user. What do I do next? Via @MetaQuotes Software Corp. to call you for help?

Or will there be some special employee, for example@Slava, who may be addressed?

Alexey Kozitsyn:

OK, created a branch, attached the code to be reproduced, it is clear that an error exists and the user cannot fix it. What to do next? Via @MetaQuotes Software Corp. Call you for help?

One newbie will create a topic with a bug like this, and other newbies will create their "correct" code together with him, and all this to the market for 10 000 usdis with google translations...

Everything is clear. It's just that servicedesk has been inundated with a lot of stupid, elementary questions and questions that you can't understand what a question like this is all about.
MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

Create separate topics with full descriptions, please. Don't add everything in one topic.

In the first place, involve other forum members to deal with the situation.

Try to describe the problem as fully as possible, attach logs, screenshots, code examples, etc. The main thing is not to play ping-pong, when only at 5-10 step of questions/answers you gather enough materials to analyze the situation and reproduce it.

Every technical problem must have an answer to the question "is it reproducible". If there is no answer, then there is a high probability that the request will fail.

Unfortunately, we can no longer deal with the massive and ever increasing volume of poorly qualified queries and blatantly educational questions.

Our employees are not trading or programming teachers.

In general, of course, I can't recall a case where a development company has almost completely cleaned up a bug report.

Regarding poorly qualified queries: then write down the criteria that the request must have in order for you to pay attention to it:

  1. Description of the problem;
  2. Terminal logs (experts, logbook);
  3. Screenshots of the error/video;
  4. Example code;
  5. Set-file;
  6. Test parameters (for tester);
  7. ...
So it turns out that if you follow all the nuances, you will solve problems faster? And you will release new builds more often?
MetaQuotes Software Corp.:

Technical questions now only through the forum.

The effect of the scale of user questions on all occasions is slowing down our company. We are moving to full automation of

Actually the step is quite reasonable. It's understandable.
But in my opinion, it would be better to leave Service Desk in the sidebar for a certain period of time to get used to it.
But when logging into Service Desk - to open a page that says something like

"Service Desk as of 09.08.2018 no longer ...... blah, blah, blah
Servicedesk is only available to sellers, . blah, blah, blah
If you find errors, please contact forum.... blah, blah, blah."

It's just that on the forum in old threads a lot of people are very often sent to servicedesk.
And newcomers will be confused. And every time newcomers to tell a story about "Ah, there were times...." somehow does not fit.

MetaQuotes Software Corp.:
Servicedesk moves to dealing only with financial questions.

The next step is to charge for every question asked:))

To be fair, it should be noted that servicedesk has long ceased to be the place to resolve problems promptly. From experience, it is often much easier to get attention to a problem via the forum.