1C programming or C# (or what else?)? - page 4

Evgeniy Zhdan:

Do you read Glavbukh all the time?

I have not seen 1C programmers who read Glavbukh. The lion's share of updates is supplied by the head office itself 1C, you just need to fill them in. And in complicated cases, the programmer still does not make decisions, for this is the chief accountant, who sits, if anything. The job of the programmer is to speak the same language as him, to understand and to do exactly as per the terms of reference.

Sergey Savinkin:

I haven't seen any 1C programmers who read Glavbukh. The lion's share of updates is supplied by 1C itself, you just have to fill them in. And in complicated cases, the programmer does not make decisions anyway, there is a chief accountant to sit on, if anything. The task of the programmer is to speak the same language with him, to understand and to do exactly according to the terms of reference.

The minimum we need to know how the postings are formed, so if the accountants have something that doesn't add up, we can sort out which post they messed up, they won't admit it :) will blame everything on the fact that the program doesn't work correctly.

What I like about 1C is the logging of user actions. You can always see which user did what to a specific object and then, if anything, you can prove where he was wrong.

Sergey Savinkin:

I haven't seen any 1C programmers who read Glavbukh. The lion's share of updates is supplied by 1C itself, you just have to fill them in. And in complicated cases, the programmer does not make decisions anyway, there is a chief accountant to sit on, if anything. The task of the programmer is to speak the same language with him, to understand and to do exactly according to the TOR.

As a practitioner, what can you say about the demand for 1C abroad? They say that 1C is attempting to enter the European market?

Evgeniy Zhdan:

What's the right approach - will I graduate, get a job and suck my dick?

If you don't aspire to earn a lot of money, you'll never earn it.

Well, I thought the right approach was to set realistic, achievable goals. In this case - just get a job at any office where you could learn 1C by example of real tasks. And from there, we'll see.

But if people have Napoleonic plans - well, good luck... Create, invent, try...

Evgeniy Zhdan:

Hi all.

Objective is to learn and settle for a minimum of 100 thousand rubles in six months (Moscow, Peter).

Pros of 1C:

  • Specialists are always and everywhere, though only in the RF (they say 1C is going to Europe, but so far not very much).
  • In any locality of the Russian Federation is not difficult to find work with a salary above the average in this area.
  • Low entry threshold (so they say on the forums)


  • Dead-end development (or maybe not?).
  • Demand only in the CIS.

Pros of C#:

  • Availability all over the world (as far as I see);
  • It is possible to develop software for sale (with subscription, etc.) and not to work for an uncle;
  • The author of this article has a lot of various functions; there is no sense to enumerate them all.


  • Work only in large cities. There are not many vacancies as for 1C, and the requirements for candidates are high.
  • In six months you will not become an expert. In general, the conquest of the world is highly questionable.
  • Desktop applications are being supplanted by online services.
I would like to hear the opinions of knowledgeable people. As a reminder, the main aim is to make a lot of money in a short period of time.

It's not only desktop applications that are made in C-Sharp, but even mostly the above mentioned online services.

But if you have already started looking at java, it makes more sense to continue studying it.

And the goal, better set, is to make a little money first.

In fact, maybe it's better to start with php ))) I'm serious.
Evgeniy Zhdan:

As a practitioner, what can you say about the demand for 1C abroad? They say that 1C is attempting to enter the European market?

I cannot say anything on this topic. The 1C website can help you. By the way, the site has a list of official franchisees. Look for overseas companies.


To be objective, the work of a programmer 1C in the staff of a medium-sized company - it's a freebie, you know yourself put updates once a quarter, and simulate work (making copies of databases / check and cleanup). Well, it happens, if the new shell 1C will come out, it will be necessary to transfer properly analytics / account balances from old databases and configure the configuration (once every 5 years, or even less). At the same time, if you yourself have made various edits to the configuration, it is enough to have saved information about these edits, so that they are not overwritten or recreated in a new configuration. Most updates are new tax/statistical reporting forms.

If the accountant giving the TOR is not good at programming, the programmer will live very well, because he will be valued for his "magic". Realistically, writing a single processing can save an accountant a week of work, while the programmer will spend a day on it.

It's true that a basic knowledge of accounting is needed, but for programmers it is at best at an entry level, and by itself does not provide anything. However, this knowledge will help to correctly draw up a ToR together with the customer.

Real accountants using the full potential of 1C, very few, because they lack knowledge in programming that would get (use) what the program really can.

Salary in 100 000 rubles, perhaps and real, but if you go after the institute / courses, the real wages 45-60 thousand rubles in Moscow, this is based on the rates of the firm where I worked, while programmers loaded with customer service firms (I worked in the auditing firm), and vacancies quickly filled by staff.

Also, 1C has a nauseating language with operators in Russian :)

Well, there is also a platform for selling/buying software - i.e. theoretically good software can be written and sold - I used this resource myself, as a buyer.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Also 1C has a nauseating language with operators in Russian :)

As far as I know, 1C has an English dialect, which is not really widespread.


Ну и есть площадка для продажи/покупки софта - т.е. теоретически хороший софт можно писать и продавать - сам пользовался этим ресурсом, как покупатель.

Where is this one? The Bitrex marketplace was yesterday. Is there one from 1C as well?