1C programming or C# (or what else?)?


Hi all.

The aim is to learn and settle for a minimum of 100 thousand roubles in six months (Moscow, St. Petersburg).

Pros of 1C:

  • Specialists are always and everywhere, though only in the RF (they say 1C is coming to Europe, but not very much so far).
  • In any locality in the Russian Federation is not difficult to find work with a salary above the average in this area.
  • Low entry threshold (so they say on the forums)


  • Dead-end development (or maybe not?).
  • Demand only in the CIS.

Pros of C#:

  • Availability all over the world (as far as I see);
  • It is possible to develop software for sale (with subscription, etc.) and not to work for an uncle;
  • The author of this article has a lot of various functions; there is no sense to enumerate them all.


  • Work only in large cities. There are not many vacancies as for 1C, and the requirements for candidates are high.
  • In six months you will not become an expert. In general, the conquest of the world is highly questionable.
  • Desktop applications are being supplanted by online services.
I would like to hear the opinions of experts. Recall that the main goal is to make a lot of money in a short period of time.


First you need to understand the starting point: skills in different areas, including programming.

City of residence (for 1C)?

Sergey Savinkin:

To start with, you need to understand the starting point: skills in different areas, including programming.

City of residence (for 1C)?

Knowledge of mql4-mql5, some java, city population 400 thous.


I am a 1C person. So I can only write about this opportunity. In my opinion, learning 1C in six months is not realistic. At least a year. Skills in MQL will help at least. Unless you already know how to build algorithms. 1C uses its own built-in language based on C++. But this language is heavily modified for the platform. Object orientation is inherent in the platform and has a small, rigidly defined range. On the plus side, I would like to mention the fully Russian programming language, which speeds up learning. But in 1C is not enough to know the language and know how to program. Much greater value has a knowledge of the basic configurations and standard libraries. Very rarely do you need to program something new in 1C. In the vast majority of cases you need to reconfigure the standard configurations, troubleshoot users, teach the program, update it, and perform other service functions. And learning all this takes time. Plus, it is highly desirable to be trained in a franchisee company, side by side with other programmers, otherwise it is almost impossible. To some extent, 1C programmers are not called real programmers. Not much knowledge of standard programming languages is required, but more knowledge of the configuration itself, the features of its operation and correct configuration.

Here we come to another difficulty of working with 1C. Programmer 1C-nik must have a fairly broad knowledge in different areas.

- Must have skills in system administration and knowledge of the OS, hardware.

- Know, at least at an entry level, accounting. My friend, when he started to study 1C, took accounting courses.

- Have economic knowledge and understand peculiarities of a client's business. And different businesses.

- be able to integrate 1C with different external systems: trade equipment, unloading to different data formats (for example, unloading to Excel will require knowledge of the basics of VBA), interaction with tax data systems, etc.

How much a programmer gets in Moscow and St. Petersburg, I do not know. In the province of a good salary 1C-nik (with experience of 3 years) in the region of 50 000. Further growth, mainly one - the creation of its own firm-franchisee. This, on the one hand, is not difficult, on the other - has a lot of nuances. There is, however, another option - is to go into a related field, where there is not much competition, but very much needed specific knowledge. For example, programming PDAs for integration with 1C or 1C-bitrix for interaction with the Internet.

And, of course, 1C is a licensed program, the licenses for which are very strictly controlled. This, too, is a separate topic.

Sergey Savinkin:

I am a 1C person. So I can only write about this opportunity. In my opinion, learning 1C in six months is not realistic. At least a year. Skills in MQL will help at least. Unless you already know how to build algorithms. 1C uses its own built-in language based on C++. But this language is heavily modified for the platform. Object orientation is inherent in the platform and has a small, rigidly defined range. On the plus side, I would like to mention the fully Russian programming language, which speeds up learning. But in 1C is not enough to know the language and know how to program. Much greater value has a knowledge of the basic configurations and standard libraries. Very rarely do you need to program something new in 1C. In the vast majority of cases you need to reconfigure the standard configurations, troubleshoot users, teach the program, update it, and perform other service functions. And learning all this takes time. Plus, it is highly desirable to be trained in a franchisee company, side by side with other programmers, otherwise it is almost impossible. To some extent, 1C programmers are not called real programmers. Not much knowledge of standard programming languages is required, but more knowledge of the configuration itself, the features of its operation and correct configuration.

Here we come to another difficulty of working with 1C. Programmer 1C-nik must have a fairly broad knowledge in different areas.

- Must have skills in system administration and knowledge of the OS, hardware.

- Know, at least at an entry level, accounting. My friend, when he started to study 1C, took accounting courses.

- Have economic knowledge and understand peculiarities of a client's business. And different businesses.

- be able to integrate 1C with different external systems: trade equipment, unloading to different data formats (for example, unloading to Excel will require knowledge of the basics of VBA), interaction with tax data systems, etc.

How much a programmer gets in Moscow and St. Petersburg, I do not know. In the province of a good salary 1C-nik (with experience of 3 years) in the region of 50 000. Further growth, mainly one - the creation of its own firm-franchisee. This, on the one hand, is not difficult, on the other - has a lot of nuances. There is, however, another option - is to go into a related field, where there is not much competition, but very much needed specific knowledge. For example, programming PDAs for integration with 1C or 1C-bitrix for interaction with the Internet.

And, of course, 1C is a licensed program, the licenses for which are very strictly controlled. This, too, is a separate topic.

Thank you. Just what I wanted to hear.


1C knowledge makes sense to "milk" employers, although it does not pay for the "amount of hassle", I know for sure, if you have the makings of a sole proprietorship, you can make money on 1C, but the key idea is to work!


And just my personal opinion ..... 1C is really a dead end branch for a programmer, if you go there, then stay there forever, there's not so much programming knowledge is needed, but how much you need to be able to be in the trend of current legislation, ie always be ready to be the first to "dip" employers' problems, and it takes a lot of time and is not really programming - as an example, online booking offices - a reaping now for 1C programmers, there are many errors in both the tax and online cash register terminals, and as a complete staff incompetence

imho, I do not have the nervous system to communicate constantly with technical illiterate people, you still need to get along with people ;)

Как я заработал 1 миллион рублей в Marketplace 1С-Битрикс
Как я заработал 1 миллион рублей в Marketplace 1С-Битрикс
  • 2006.09.12
  • habr.com
Прошедшая неделя была замечательна тем, что на мой счет в Marketplace 1С-Битрикс упал миллионный рубль! Таким образом, я заработал на тиражировании своих решений 1 000 000 рублей всего чуть больше чем за 1 год. Я очень рад этому факту и решил поделиться этим своим успехом с профессиональным сообществом в данной статье. И я хочу привлечь...
Evgeniy Zhdan:

Hi all.

The aim is to learn and settle for a minimum of 100k roubles in six months (Moscow, Peter).


I would like to hear the views of knowledgeable. I remind you that the main goal is to make a lot of money in a short period of time.

Sharp is a foreign company or a driver in the RF, but the salary is higher than that of 1C. 1C - if you don't know bookkeeping, you'd better not get involved, it takes a long time to learn.
Java + C# = mobile to desktop area
Java + C# = domain from mobile to desktop

I had a student, Lenya, in an MQL4 course around 2012. Not young, from scratch, but bright and motivated. Then he studied C++ and Java on his own. He did not manage to become a Forex trader and started to develop custom software for Android. Recently, I was told that he was satisfied with his work, it took him about a month to switch to Android. I did not ask about the salary, but the man has not been employed for a long time. Says a lot of orders, now every shop and firm wants its own Android/iOS application. If you learn Sharp, you can write universal Android/iOS apps in Xamarin. True, they will be much heavier than the native ones in Java and ObjectC. Now the man is 57 years old, that's because many people believe that at that age a person is no longer learnable.

Renat Akhtyamov:
Sharpe - abroad or drivers in the RF, but the salary is higher than that of 1C. 1C: if you don't know accounting, it is better not to go in, it takes a long time to learn.

Why are they abroad? We also have many vacancies, but the bar, as a rule, is not very high. As you have correctly noted, we now need programmers for the Web or mobile applications, which are almost always Web-related as well.

Evgeniy Zhdan:

Hi all.

The aim is to learn and settle for a minimum of 100 thousand roubles in six months (Moscow, St. Petersburg).

Pros of 1C:

  • Specialists are always and everywhere, though only in the RF (they say 1C is coming to Europe, but not very much so far).
  • In any locality in the Russian Federation is not difficult to find work with a salary above the average in this area.
  • Low entry threshold (so they say on the forums)


  • Dead-end development (or maybe not?).
  • Demand only in the CIS.

Pros of C#:

  • Availability all over the world (as far as I see);
  • It is possible to develop software for sale (with subscription, etc.) and not to work for an uncle;
  • The author of this article has a lot of various functions; there is no sense to enumerate them all.


  • Work only in large cities. There are not many vacancies as for 1C, and the requirements for candidates are high.
  • In six months you will not become an expert. In general, the conquest of the world is highly questionable.
  • Desktop applications are being superseded by online services.
I would like to hear the opinions of knowledgeable people. As a reminder, the main aim is to make a lot of money in a short period of time.

C# is much more promising in the sense that you can work remotely, ie do not spend a lot of money to live in a new city, where only the cost of housing and food in a cafe will eat up half your salary. Revenues 1C-workers theoretically much higher, but only because there are piece orders, which are paid at higher rates because of the urgency. For Moscow, 150 thousand from 1C-nik still far from the limit, but such vacancies often you will not see in the ads. You have to look for them through acquaintances. In the ads, the amount is much lower - about 75 thousand. But how much will be left after paying for housing, constant long journeys to work and meals in a cafe? You won't be able to cook where you are going to live, because you don't have enough energy or time. So see if you need a high salary at such a cost that you will end up with nothing.