isNewBar across different timeframes


I'm trying to figure out how to create a isNewBar function that works across multiple timeframes.

What I've created is this but it doesn't seem to be working and I can't work out why!

const bool isNewBar(const datetime time, int period)
   static datetime time_prev;
   if(time_prev!=time && MathMod(TimeMinute(time),period)==0)
It's called by these instructions:

seems to work.


doesn't. Any help will be appreciated.

To use data from a different time, these data must be preloaded: 
Documentation on MQL5: Timeseries and Indicators Access / Organizing Data Access
Documentation on MQL5: Timeseries and Indicators Access / Organizing Data Access
Timeseries and Indicators Access / Organizing Data Access - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
static datetime gsLastBarTime;
bool newBar( datetime _currentTime, int _period, bool _period_in_second = false, int _advance = 0, bool _advanced_in_second = false )
   int iAdvance = (_advance * 60);
   if ( _advanced_in_second )
      iAdvance = _advance;

   datetime iCurrentTime = _currentTime += iAdvance;

   int iPeriod = (_period * 60);
   if ( _period_in_second )
      iPeriod = _period;

   if ( (iCurrentTime - gsLastBarTime) >= iPeriod )
      gsLastBarTime = lastBarTime(_currentTime, _period, _period_in_second, _advance, _advanced_in_second);

datetime lastBarTime( datetime _currentTime, int _period, bool _period_in_second = false, int _advance = 0, bool _advanced_in_second = false )
   int iAdvance = (_advance * 60);
   if ( _advanced_in_second )
      iAdvance = _advance;

   datetime iCurrentTime = _currentTime += iAdvance;

   int iPeriod = (_period * 60);
   if ( _period_in_second )
      iPeriod = _period;

   switch( _period )
      case PERIOD_W1: return( (iCurrentTime - (datetime) MathMod(iCurrentTime, (PERIOD_D1 * 60))) - (((TimeDayOfWeek(iCurrentTime) - 1) * PERIOD_D1) * 60) ); break;
      case PERIOD_MN1: return( (iCurrentTime - (datetime) MathMod(iCurrentTime, (PERIOD_D1 * 60))) - (((TimeDay(iCurrentTime) - 1) * PERIOD_D1) * 60) ); break;
         if ( _period > 0 )
            return( iCurrentTime - (datetime) MathMod(iCurrentTime, iPeriod) );
            return( iCurrentTime );


this is my complete function for manage the start of bar

the input of newBar function:

datetime _currentTime, ....TimeCurrent() or Time[0] for function in Tester mode

int _period,....any period in minutes or seconds

bool _period_in_second = false, .....not required, specifies if period are seconds or minutes, false = minutes, true = seconds

int _advance = 0,.....not required, any value that specifies if you want alert in advance

Example: PERIOD_H1 and advance 3 with _advanced_in_second = false....the alert is run 3 minutes before the natural start of bar

Example 1: PERIOD_M1 and advance 10 with _advanced_in_second = true....the alert is run 10 seconds before the natural start of bar

bool _advanced_in_second = false.....not required, specifies if _advance are seconds or minutes, false = minutes, true = seconds

return true if new bar is started otherwise false 

the input of lastBarTime function:

datetime _currentTime, ....TimeCurrent() or Time[0] for function in Tester mode

int _period,....any period in minutes or seconds

bool _period_in_second = false, .....not required, specifies if period are seconds or minutes, false = minutes, true = seconds

int _advance = 0,.....not required, any value that specifies if you want alert in advance

bool _advanced_in_second = false.....not required, specifies if _advance are seconds or minutes, false = minutes, true = seconds

return the last time of started bar otherwise EMPTY 



Thanks I'll look into this further!!

Thanks again.


Just tested it and it works a treat.

Thanks VERY much, you're a star!


This is one of the most flexible and concise Methods for detecting a New Bar. I especially like the way it implements the option of detection before the New bar forms 

