MOEX.Beginner's Questions - page 13

Sergey Chalyshev:

Do you have any idea what you're talking about?

What puppet? What majority?

There is no majority on the exchange, this is not a Forex kitchen.

In the stock market, at any given time, there are the same number of buyers and sellers, the volumes are equal to the minimum lot, no more and no less.

And which way would you move the market?


If you're selling and I'm selling, then we're even: one buyer and one seller?

It's not like you're forced to buy or sell.

so there will never be an equality of buying and selling,

I mean absolutely never!

// otherwise the kotir will fall on the ruler and the stock market will be ruined

I don't mind if you can explain the equation between buying and selling?

Renat Akhtyamov:


- take care

If you're selling and so am I, are we even: one buyer and one seller?

it's not like you're forced to buy or sell.

so there will never be equality of buying and selling,

i.e. absolutely never!

Otherwise the quote will lie on the line.

Well, I certainly don't mind if you can explain how the equality between purchases and sales comes about?

I'm not a writer or a teacher, you've been advised many times to read the articles, they're very clear,

like these; , - it's not just about the exchange.

But I'll try to explain it to you one more time,

a transaction always has two parties, one is the buyer and the other is the seller,

If you have bought - then someone has sold you, there is always parity.

The exchange itself does not trade, does not buy or sell, but bring clients together and take a commission for this.

The exchange does not even know what is your deposit. This is the purpose of clearing, to accrue a profit to one side of the transaction, and fix a loss to the other side of the transaction.

Clearing itself does not affect the result of the trade. If you buy for 1000 roubles and sell for 1200 roubles, you will get a profit of 200 roubles, even if you get 100 clearing posts during this time. If you can not remember at what price bought (sold), write in a comment, after clearing comment does not disappear.

Основы биржевого ценообразования на примере срочной секции Московской биржи
Основы биржевого ценообразования на примере срочной секции Московской биржи
В середине 2011 года торговая платформа MetaTrader 5 прошла сертификацию на российской бирже "Российские торговые системы" (РТС) ныне объединенной с Московской международной валютной биржей (ММВБ) в единую Московскую биржу. Безусловно, это знаковое событие. Оно открыло возможность многим трейдерам попробовать себя на ниве биржевой торговли, при...
Sergey Chalyshev:

I'm not a writer or a teacher, you've been advised many times to read the articles, they're all very well explained,

like these; , - it's not just about the exchange.

But I'll try to explain it to you one more time,

a transaction always has two parties, one is the buyer and the other is the seller,

If you have bought - then someone has sold you, there is always parity.

The exchange itself does not trade, does not buy or sell, but bring clients together and take a commission for this.

The exchange does not even know what is your deposit. This is the purpose of clearing, to accrue a profit to one side of the transaction, and fix a loss to the other side of the transaction.

Clearing itself does not affect the result of the trade. If you buy for 1000 roubles and sell for 1200 roubles, you will get a profit of 200 roubles, even if you get 100 clearing posts during this time. If you can not remember at what price bought (sold), write in a comment, after clearing comment does not disappear.

- cheers

thank you!

There are two sides to a transaction when it has taken place, i.e. it is closed.

With that said, there are no open ones.

Doll steps over the open ones, they also affect the price.

The price is the puppeteer.
Renat Akhtyamov:

- bless you!

Thank you!

There are two sides to a trade when it's done, i.e. closed.

There are no open trades.

About articles - know less, sleep better. //perhaps richer.

The exchange always has all trades closed, i.e. paired. It may be a position that is not closed.

In general, all information on open positions are publicly available on the stock exchange.

long positions and short positions separately.

Do you know how to use a calculator? )

Sergey Chalyshev:

The exchange always has all trades closed, i.e. paired. You may be the one who has a position that is not closed.

In general, all information on open positions are publicly available on the exchange , you can use for analysis

long positions and short positions separately.

Do you know how to use a calculator? )

The doll steps over the open positions, they also affect the price.

Actually the price is the muppet.


Who cares about closed ones, are you kidding?

The clearing does not close your deal completely.

And says get the dough ;)

PS 2

I have a drilled calculator. It lies.


Renat Akhtyamov:

The puppeteer oversteps the open ones, they also affect the price.

In fact, the price is the puppeteer.


Who cares about closed ones, are you kidding me?

It's not like the clearing closes you out completely.

And says get the dough ;)


What a mess in the head after forex ...

Sergey Chalyshev:


what a mess after forex ...


it's hard for me to understand new-wave

Renat Akhtyamov:

And he says - haul the money ;)

You don't have to drag the money, but close the position (part of the position), or you will have to pay a fee for the use of borrowed funds,

or they will close the position themselves with a StopOut ))

Sergey Chalyshev:

You don't have to haul the money and just close the position (part of the position), or you'll have to pay for the use of borrowed funds,

or they will close the position themselves with a StopOut ))



Try to trade REAL for 2 days, even if it's 1 contract manually, a lot of questions will go away by themselves.