MOEX.Beginner's Questions - page 9

Renat Akhtyamov:


close at one price with some financial result and then open at another?

Expiration time is basically every three months. It depends on which way you open, you may open at a better price than you had.

There are swaps in forex too.

Sergey Chalyshev:

Expiration is basically once every three months. Depending on which way you open, it may open at a better price than it was.

There are swaps in forex too.

Forced closing.

Forex is better from this point of view.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

If only on the foreign exchange section, as a method of exchanging (buying) money, i.e. without leverage.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Of course not, because the price of the futures depends on the value of the underlying asset and the interest rate.

Is there a calculation formula?


for example this one?

10,Фьючерсная цена, базис, и цена поставки.
10,Фьючерсная цена, базис, и цена поставки.
При заключении фьючерсного контракта участники согласовывают цену базисного актива с поставкой в определенный момент в будущем. Она называется фьючерсной ценой (F). Важно подчеркнуть, что согласованная фьючерсная цена не фиксируется во фьючерсном контракте. Она фиксируется только по счету каждого из участников сделки как цена открытия позиции...
Renat Akhtyamov:

Is there a formula for calculating this?


for example this one?

It goes something like this. But you have to understand that all the formulas are planning prices, and reality revolves around that.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

If only on the foreign exchange section, as a method of exchanging (buying) money, i.e. without leverage.

Looked at the properties of the instrument - you can only buy, you cannot sell

Renat Akhtyamov:

However, if the trade is at a loss, you will have to take the loss?

What difference does it make? Twice a day is a clearing session, your account is debited with a loss anyway.

Sergey Savinkin:

What difference does it make? Twice a day is a clearing session, your account is debited with a loss anyway.

So forex strategies are not suitable for the exchange and you need an HFT strategy?
Renat Akhtyamov:
So, forex strategies are not suitable for the exchange and you need a HFT strategy?

I don't trade forex, I don't know. Do you trade on a demo account? If on a real account, then you would know about daily clearing.

Sergey Savinkin:

I don't trade forex, I don't know. Do you trade on a demo account? If on a real account, then you would know about the daily clearing.

I don't trade live yet

I have a strategy, but it may not be implemented on the exchange, for many reasons.

I do not understand whether there are profitable strategies for the stock market

I understand that there are none at all.