A division by zero error appeared in one indicator - page 6

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

It should not logically be equal to zero at all - it is not clear why this is the case!

Your d1 gives out tiny numbers, I avoid such problems by converting price to int, i.e. for example int bid=int((tick_array[0].bid+_Point/10)/_Point); for sure, sometimes you get 0.00000999999 on 5 digits, if you do calculations in double
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

It shouldn't be zero by logic at all - I don't understand why it does that!

Run in debugger on Si-9.18. Time in rates is 2016 for some reason. Although the value of i is 2189. Accordingly, it starts the calculation at the beginning of the chart, where there is no liquidity. Initial time between start and stop is 1 hour. But for that hour, there is only one time value. It finds it with both the start and the stop variable. As a result, start = stop. Of course, if you subtract them, you get zero. I haven't figured out the rest yet.

You have d1 with tiny numbers, I avoid such problems converting price to int, i.e. for example int bid=int((tick_array[0].bid+_Point/10)/_Point); for sure, sometimes it returns 0 if calculations are performed in double

Let's not discuss d1 - if it's necessary, then it's necessary, everything is counted correctly there. The question is, why do we get the same value for start_time and stop_time, as well as start_index and stop_index?

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Let's not discuss d1 - if it's necessary, then it's necessary, everything is counted correctly there. The question is why do we get the same value for start_time and stop_time as for start_index and stop_index ?

It's up to you, try dividing 0.0000099999 by 2, for example

After another hang-up, the terminal stops working.... How do I resurrect it without reinstalling?

Turned out to be hanging in memory - forcibly killed the process - it started.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

How is it possible that the time becomes equal? Everything has been working correctly for half a year...

void CreateFigure(int i,const datetime &Time[],const double &Open[],const double &High[],const double &Low[],const double &Close[],MqlRates &rates[])
  {                                                              //i = 2189 
   datetime start_time=rates[i].time;                            //start_time=rates[i].time = D'2016.10.06 12:00:00'
   datetime stop_time=(start_time+PeriodSeconds(TimeFrames));    //stop_time = D'2016.10.06 13:00:00'
//---                                                            //Time[38572] = D'2016.10.05 19:23:00'
   int start_index,stop_index,limit;                             //Time[38571] = D'2016.10.06 12:35:00'
   datetime vertical_line_time;                                  //Time[38570] = D'2016.10.06 19:05:00'
   start_index=ArrayBsearch(Time,start_time);                    //start_index = 38571
   if(Time[start_index]<start_time) start_index=(start_index>0?start_index-1:start_index);
   start_time=Time[start_index];                                 //start_time = D'2016.10.06 12:35:00'
      stop_index=ArrayBsearch(Time,stop_time);                   //stop_index = 38571
      if(Time[stop_index]>stop_time) stop_index++;
      stop_time=Time[stop_index];                                //stop_time  = D'2016.10.06 12:35:00'
You havelimit=start_index-stop_index+1 first, i.e.limit==1, and then where the division by 2 islimit=(int)(stop_time-start_time)/PeriodSeconds(_Period). One is not added. Zero is divided by the period.
Sergey Savinkin:

Run in debugger on Si-9.18. Time in rates is 2016 for some reason. Although the value of i is 2189. Accordingly, it starts calculation at the beginning of the chart where there is no liquidity. Initial time between start and stop is 1 hour. But for that hour, there is only one time value. It finds it with both the start and the stop variable. As a result, start = stop. Of course, if you subtract them, you get zero. I haven't figured out the rest yet.

Put BarsUsed=100 in the incoming parameters.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Put BarsUsed=100 in the incoming parameters.

Yes, this way no errors occur. But if you get into some illiquid instrument or illiquid time - evening session, for example, then you can easily get 1 low bar within an hour. Thus, the limit = 0 is guaranteed for you! And if the quote is 2 - then the limit/2 will still give 0 when rounded.

Sergey Savinkin:

Yes, that's not an error. But if you get into some illiquid instrument or illiquid time - for example, during the evening session, there might be 1 low bar in an hour. Thus, the limit = 0 is guaranteed for you! And if the quote is 2 - then the limit/2 will still be 0 when rounded.

Perhaps, I will think about it, thank you. But the global problem is something else.... The problem is that it's not stable.

It's up to you, try dividing 0.0000099999 by 2, for example

Printed d1 - for my purposes it's

2018.07.04 19:38:06.404 IndDrafter_Test (Si-9.18,M1)    d1=35.71428571428572
2018.07.04 19:38:06.404 IndDrafter_Test (Si-9.18,M1)    d1=32.78688524590164
2018.07.04 19:38:06.404 IndDrafter_Test (Si-9.18,M1)    d1=32.78688524590164
2018.07.04 19:38:06.404 IndDrafter_Test (Si-9.18,M1)    d1=32.78688524590164
2018.07.04 19:38:06.404 IndDrafter_Test (Si-9.18,M1)    d1=43.47826086956522

Anyway, that's not the point, thanks.