Roffild's library


There will be no publication in CodeBase due to the structure of the project.

Please do not delete this thread.

Interesting project, I take it this is a transfer of trained models from apache to mql?
There is a random forest converter from Spark to AlgLib format, which is in MQL

Initially, model enumerators were created in Alglib.

But when all the data needed no longer fit in RAM, we had to switch to Spark.


Please don't mind writing what it is and why. (you already created this thread, and I told you so) in the Issuye on Git make changes. If it is not too late, also in the header of local thread.

it seems useful, should not be lost through carelessness


I wanted to insert the contents of the file, but it will change and I won't be able to edit the first post.

I have enough of a thread in this section (preferably pinned), because I don't know how best to format it for publication.


I wanted to insert the contents of the file, but it will change and I won't be able to edit the first post.

I have enough of a thread in this section (preferably pinned), because I don't know how best to format it for publication.

Do you have some stuff in Java there?

Are you planning to add some manual?

How are the algorithms different from Alglib, which is in kodobase?


Initially, model enumerators were created in Alglib.

But when all the data needed no longer fit in RAM, we had to switch to Spark.

Still don't understand what task is being solved, what it's all for


For the questions "what is Java, Spark, Alglib, Random Forest and Neural Networks? And how to live with it?" - Google

Alglib - single threaded

Spark - many comps.

The purpose of the library is to use Spark (and in the future TensorFlow and MXNet) without crutches in MQL


MLPDataFileSparkTest - example project for Spark and MLPDataFile test

If you are not interested in Spark, there are many other goodies in the library that only require knowledge of MQL5