Ruble! Sanctions! What next for the Russian currency? - page 6

Михаил Билан:
In the next 2 months the ruble will weaken very much! Open a Buy position on usd|rur.
Already in mid-September the price will start to rise to 76p per dollar. By the end of the year, the approximate value of the ruble will be 112-123rr per dollar
By the end of the year there will be a strengthening of the ruble as usual. This is quite expected as the tax period begins. Exporters will start to sell the currency in order to make payments. This is no longer a guessing game, but a real fact.

It's just that since the Middle Ages or even antiquity, everyone has known that devaluing one's own currency is profitable,

It benefits the prince, the king, or the mint under the king - whoever "creates" it to make money to devalue their liabilities,

nothing's changed now.


CFTC: speculators bet on the ruble's rise against the dollar exactly one year - it has fallen by 22% in that time

According to the latest data from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the ruble futures net long position fell by 322 contracts (-6.5%) to 4,727 contracts in the week to September 4. That leaves speculators in a net long position in the Russian currency for 52 weeks in a row, and previously they had been in a net short position for 10 weeks in a row. Since the start of the year the dollar/ruble exchange rate rose by 21.5%.

Purely technically we can assume that it will not fly away immediately, but perhaps there will be some sort of intermediate correction...
In purely technical terms, we can assume that it will not fly away immediately, but perhaps there will be some intermediate correction...

imho, it won't go far before March 2019, they will continue to dump stocks.

Purely technically we can assume that it won't fly away immediately, but perhaps there will be some sort of intermediate correction...

well, yes, until November, when the second sanctions package will be in place.


The most interesting thing is that we managed to look at the 200- and 2000-ruble notes.

But they evaporated just as quickly as they appeared.

So there might not be any ups and downs.


Nikolay Demko:

From inception, any currency falls. That's the point of fiat currencies, they have to serve a growing market, and support that growth.

This is impossible without inflation. By the way, that's why in 2011 (when the Expert Advisor put the idea of Bitcoin in everyone's ears) I was skeptical about the prospects of Bitcoin as a global currency. Without inflation there is no growth, and without growth people will simply take all coins out of circulation and put them in a bag. Why invest anywhere if tomorrow's coin will be more expensive than today?

And they keep saying that money is capital, hold on to capital, take care of it, do not get into debt, increase and protect it and you will be happy....while fiat money does not mean capital, but a constantly falling virtual currency, perishable product, the current amount is worthless tomorrow .......and this means that it is the speed of consumption of this capital, the speed of turnover, that is what supremely free and unrestricted immense capital is all about, i.e., any amount of money with no value whatsoever.If you want to be a slave and live among slaves, you have to hold on to your money, if you want to be free you have to use it quickly for your own benefit and for the benefit of people... the great drought-depression seems to have served them quite well as a lesson in memory...and who and what saved them from the total collapse of their system...

Renat Akhtyamov:

The most interesting thing is that we managed to look at the 200- and 2000-ruble notes.

But they evaporated just as quickly as they appeared.

So there might not be any ups and downs.


We have 200-2000 walking around quite freely. It looks like your bank just doesn't order them.

Nikolay Demko:

Without inflation there is no growth, and without growth people will just take all the coins out of circulation and put them in a bag. Why invest anywhere if tomorrow's coin will be more expensive than today's?

I don't see people (all of them) exchanging falling roubles for rising dollars and putting them in a bag.