ZigZags Shepherds - page 4

Get out of this forum or you'll get a lot of advice.
How nice to see the old timers of this forum, if memory serves me correctly you had something similar on zigzags, channel on zz, and your opinion on the topic?
I've written this before, but you won't find anything that way. "Trending" currencies are the hospital average. The difference from "non-trending" is too small and the result won't even cover the cost. You have to look for patterns within a range, not try to trade it all the time.

I wrote that you can't go "head-on" (spread + broker commission eats it all up) or look for alternative markets where it's not as efficient, or else there was just reasoning towards Renko and Kagi.

If memory serves me correctly, you had something similar on zigzags, a channel on zzz, and your opinion on the subject?

The cagi and renko are an alternative way to quantify the price. with a good tick history now available, it's a good direction to analyse.

I have not found any application for my channel zigzag, but the person who asked me to do it was a very good trader.

i think the sliver and the basement have more to offer. in fact, the sliver and the basement are more primary sources of information.

I agree, that's the thing about building alternatives. I collect tiki based on this: https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/13954
Ticks collector - Сборщик тиков
Ticks collector - Сборщик тиков
  • votes: 24
  • 2015.10.12
  • Ihor Herasko
  • www.mql5.com
При работе в режиме реального времени индикатор собирает данные о ценах: времени прихода тика, цене Bid и цене Ask. Цены Bid и Ask отображаются в виде линий в подокне индикатора, а вся собранная информация может быть сохранена в специальный тиковый файл (тип файлов tks). Совместно со сбором информации индикатор может создавать и поддерживать в...
I agree, that's the point, the alternative of building. I build ticks based on this: https://www.mql5.com/ru/code/13954

Why such a hassle? MetaTarader 5 already has real ticks by default:CopyTicks

Thanks, I'm still on 4, I need to slowly move to 5, my broker is using 4 before the end of the year, and 5 has already been introduced.

"And the picture is very similar - from what you hear by chance, what you read, through the shock of total misunderstanding and finally 'click' ... you know which direction to go in." Loved the phrase, characterises everything


Differences between extrema as a function of changes in the threshold value.

Same for detailing the scale

The horizontal axis shows the ratio of the actual length of the "stroke" to the threshold. This number cannot be less than one, because it actually shows how many times the "stroke" is longer than the threshold value. Figure a) shows the probability of a particular relationship occurring. Figure b) shows the same, but as a cumulative curve. For the Cagi zigzag variant.

For the Renko zigzag option

Materials taken from : https://forum.fxclub.org/threads/32942-prostye-nenuzhnye-veshhi/page3, p.2, p.3.

For Renko you can immediately see that the curves are the same. The 1H intervals (H is the value split interval) are ~50%, the 2H intervals are exactly half as many, the 3H intervals are half as many as 2H, etc., i.e. all time decreasing by a factor of 2.

If to continue, it turns out, that e.g. duration of Cagi zigzag in 1 p. should be the same as for Renko, i.e. 50% of intervals 1H, 25% of intervals 2H etc. The research was done in tick data.

But here was a study:https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/103289

where+-1 accounts for 99.4% of all ticks, and +-2 accounts for about 0.55% more.

It turns out to be a discrepancy. I.e. 1H intervals for 1p would be more than 50%. Has anyone done similar research?

простые ненужные вещи - Страница 3
простые ненужные вещи - Страница 3
  • 2006.12.18
  • Северный Ветер
  • forum.fxclub.org
Некоторые характеристики, которые получились после дельта-модуляции случайных данных. В принципе, все данные разбиваются на интервалы, Эти интервалы образуют серии, длиной 1,2,3... интервалов разбиения. Интересно было посмотреть, как меняется вероятность появления интервалов разной длины. Следующий рисунок об этом. Очень интересные результаты...

The horizontal axis shows the ratio of the actual length of the "stroke" to the threshold. This number cannot be less than one, because it actually shows how many times the "stroke" is longer than the threshold value. Figure a) shows the probability of a particular relationship occurring. Figure b) shows the same, but as a cumulative curve. For the Cagi zigzag variant.

Materials taken from : https://forum.fxclub.org/threads/32942-prostye-nenuzhnye-veshhi/page3, p.2, p.3.

For Renko you can immediately see that the curves are the same. The 1H intervals (H is the value split interval) are ~50%, the 2H intervals are exactly half as many, the 3H intervals are half as many as 2H, etc., i.e. all time decreasing by a factor of 2.

If to continue, it turns out, that e.g. duration of Cagi zigzag in 1 p. should be the same as for Renko, i.e. 50% of intervals 1H, 25% of intervals 2H etc. The research was done in tick data.

But here was a study:https://www.mql5.com/ru/forum/103289

where+-1 accounts for 99.4% of all ticks, and +-2 accounts for about 0.55% more.

It turns out to be a discrepancy. I.e. 1H intervals for 1p. would be more than 50%. Has anyone done similar research?

Why is there a need for research here? Suffice it to recall that some DCs give 4 digits, others give 5. Ticks are completely determined by each DC on each type of account, sometimes even individually for each account. Roughly speaking, the area of oscillations up to 2 spreads is fully managed by the brokerage company that decides itself how to divide rate movements and can divide them by 10 times and pack packets with ticks more or less frequently, for example from 80 thousand to 1500 thousand per week.

And the analysis of rate movements with an exponential pattern you cited is for rate differences, not for ticks.