A profitable strategy has been found!


1) take an instrument with a very high spread

2) In the "buy" command we buy at the Ask price,

3) close the transaction at bid price

4) The same approach to the "Sell" command

Thus, we obtain the profit equal to the spread (when it is rather large, for example in exotic symbols)

Here's an example

Mickey Moose:

1) take an instrument with a very high spread

2) in the "buy" command we buy at the Ask price,

3) close the transaction at bid price

4) The same approach to the "Sell" command

Thus, we obtain the profit equal to the spread (when it is quite large, for example in exotic symbols)

Draw on the screenshot

Mickey Moose: Найдена выгодная стратегия!


Closing a Buy order is nothing more than a Sell order. At Bid price.
A Sell order closure is nothing else but a Buy. At the Ask price.
Thus, you have bought 2 times (at a high Ask price) and sold 2 times (at a low Bid price).

Mickey Moose:

Thus, we get a profit in the size of the spread (when it is quite large, for example on exotic instruments).

In order to make a profit equal to the spread, the price will need to pass 2 spread sizes from the opening price in the right direction.

And with trading on exotic currencies, it's a darn sight ..... You'll get a hell of a swap charge.

Mickey Moose:

E~h, millions taken away.

Told you we should change our avatar.

Mickey Moose:

1) take an instrument with a very high spread

2) In the "buy" command we buy at the Ask price,

3) close the transaction at bid price

4) The same approach to the "Sell" command

Thus, we obtain the profit equal to the spread (when it is rather large, for example in exotic symbols)

In order to buy at the lower price, we need someone to sell at this price. It means that you need to put your limit order in the market at the necessary price. And then we come to the HFT algorithms... the grail is revealed, you may separate. In the slow, low-liquid markets you can execute this algorithm by hand. On forex, it is impossible, on the American markets it is impossible, on the RTS you may look for a low-liquid instrument, but you will have to wait very long for the limiter to be redeemed at the right price


Mickey Moose:

1) take an instrument with a very high spread

2) In the "buy" command we buy at the Ask price,

3) close the transaction at bid price

4) The same approach to the "Sell" command

Thus we obtain the profit equal to the spread (when it is quite large, for example in exotic symbols)

Oh, he's so funny :))))))) at least it gave me a good laugh

You're all about trade and profit. But maybe the man wants to eat meat. Then it's OK, the main thing is to grow a bigger moose ))))
Maxim Romanov:

To buy at the lower price, you need someone to sell at that price. And in the market sell orders are at the top...)) so you have to put your limit order into the cup at the right price. And then we come to the HFT algorithms... the grail is revealed, we may go our separate ways. In the slow low liquid markets you can execute this algorithm by hand. In forex, it is not possible on the American markets, on the RTS you can search for a low-liquid instrument, but it will take a very long time to wait until the limit instrument is redeemed at the right price.

What other HFT? They all write order bidding ...ask.
I suggest to buy on bid and close on ask.
Mickey Moose:

What other HFTs? They all write it as bid...ask...ask.
And I suggest buying at bid and closing at ask.

Then it is different. Then indeed.

Mickey Moose:

What other HFTs? They all write it as bid...ask...ask.
And I suggest buying at bid and closing at ask.

That's right, that's right, man...

Thank you mate, from the whole community.