Advantages and disadvantages of an automatic vehicle


Counting on the experienced contingent on this forum, it will be useful to get opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of the PBX.

The experience of the old-timers can then help us learn from many mistakes and avoid making the same mistakes.

The best for the masses as they say. Feel free to share, if you have anything, of course).

Collective thought is power and good for all!

Uladzimir Izerski:

Counting on the experienced contingent on this forum, it will be useful to get opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of the PBX.

The experience of the old-timers can then help us learn from many mistakes and avoid making the same mistakes.

The best for the masses as they say. Feel free to share, if you have anything, of course).

Collective thought is power and good for all!

Advantages: Is not subject to emotions, releases the trader sitting in front of the monitor, does not miss transactions in the absence of the trader in the workplace.

Disadvantages: It will sell without blinking an eye.

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Advantages: Not subject to emotions, frees the trader to sit in front of the monitor, does not miss trades due to absence of the trader in the workplace.

Disadvantages: It will not blink an eye.

Positive and not so positive experience.

Are there any ways to get rid of"Cheats without blinking an eye."

There probably are.

1. Hundred orders

2. FA analysis. (sometimes it doesn't work either).

What else?


Limit loss control is of course an option from total loss.

I, for example, do not know how to trade with my hands, so I put the Robot on UPU and monitor its performance. I have noticed that if the robot starts losing money it is slower than arm trading. This is more of a plus. But this is a question where to get a good ATC to make profit, and many are still open to it....


There are more advantages than disadvantages to a PBX, but the fatalities of the disadvantages may outweigh the advantages.

This is something I would like to stress.

Uladzimir Izerski:

There are more advantages than disadvantages to a PBX, but the fatalities of the disadvantages may outweigh the advantages.

This is something we want to focus on.

On what? The disadvantages? There's only one disadvantage with any ATC. He'll leak it without blinking an eye. And this disadvantage is enough to cross out all the advantages.

But for me trading with the robot is very convenient, the main thing is to stop it in time :-)


Observations of price movements suggest that FA is more suitable for long term trading and TA narrows the horizon.

The strength lies in the FA, that's for sure.

What ways are there to account for FAs programmatically?

Uladzimir Izerski:

Observations of price movements suggest that FA is more suitable for long term trading and TA narrows the horizon.

The strength lies in the FA, that's for sure.

What are the ways to account for FAs?

If the FA gives the direction of a long term trade, then indicate the direction of the trade manually and let ATS look for the best entry points in that direction.



All right, listen up. I am expressing my thoughts exclusively and do not claim to be the truth.

To be successful in the market, you need to know what causes price changes. Many people confuse these notions, taking one for the other and swapping them in places. If we know what causes price changes, we can build any number of good ATS. I don't pretend to be an author, but I have defined the following causal model.

First, there is expectation trading with the help of options, or rather option traders form their positions and thus form expectations. Then comes volume trading in correspondence with these expectations (option traders are also wrong), together with the volume trading, delta and OI are formed, then there are changes in the price of the underlying, and then there are changes in any indicators based on the price. Hence, the conclusion: if you trade with indicators, you are at the end of the train, because the value of the indicator is a consequence of price changes, the price is the cause for the indicator, and not vice versa. So that's the way it is......

Vladimir Zubov:

If the FA gives long-term trading direction, then indicate the direction of trade manually and let ATS look for the best entry points in that direction.

Agreed, as long as you don't get into the more subtle nuances.

Namely, it all depends on the analyzed time range for analysis.

What can you suggest? How do you determine the time scale of the FA of the news?

Mihail Marchukajtes:


All right, listen up. I am expressing my thoughts exclusively and do not claim to be the truth.

To be successful in the market, you need to know what causes price changes. Many people confuse these notions, taking one for the other and swapping them in places. If we know what causes price changes, we can build any number of good ATS. I don't pretend to be an author, but I have defined the following causal model.

First, there is expectation trading with the help of options, or rather option traders form their positions and thus form expectations. Then comes volume trading in correspondence with these expectations (option traders are also wrong), together with the volume trading, delta and OI are formed, then there are changes in the price of the underlying, and then there are changes in any indicators based on the price. Hence, the conclusion: if you trade with indicators, you are at the end of the train, because the value of the indicator is a consequence of price changes, the price is the cause for the indicator, and not vice versa. So, like this ......

That's fine. I see that you have a deep knowledge of price formation.

I am interested in time, and it is the consequence of price change.