Canvas is cool! - page 7

George Merts:

No, it's really impressive.

But, we need to make some useful attachment that uses all these features of Canvas.

Of course I will. It's coming. All it takes is time.


That's how we'll end up drawing cartoons in MT.

And in general, the possibilities of canvas are impressive. It's really cool.

Nikolai Semko:

Demonstration of a script with bitmap scaling

There's a fairly large BMP file sitting in the Ex5 file as a resource.

Hi Nikolai.

Is raster scaling also in CCanvas, or is it your development?

It's a cool thing. Need to get to grips with it.

Реter Konow:

Hi Nikolai.

Is raster scaling also in CCanvas, or is it your creation?

It's a cool thing. Need to get to grips with it.

Hello, Missing Soul :))
Yes, entirely my creation.
I can lay out the code if you're interested.
Nikolai Semko:
Hello, Lost Soul :))
Yes, entirely my creation.
I can post the code if you're interested.


Well done, though! But you don't have to give me the code, I'd like to get to it myself.

P.S. Why "lost soul"? Do I deny the holy OOP? :))

P.S.S. Have you been working on your solution for a long time? If it's not a secret.

Реter Konow:


Well done, though! But I don't need the code, I want to get there myself.

P.S. And why "lost soul"? Do I deny the holy OOP? :))

No ))), haven't been on the forum for a while. In that sense.
Nikolai Semko:
No ))), it's been a while since I've been on a forum. In that sense.

Ahhhh...)) I've been working like a "slave to the galleys" for the greater good. I haven't been back for long. I have a project to finish and the forum is very distracting.

Are you working on Canvas now? I can see you've made some impressive progress. All those graphic effects, anti-aliasing, scaling can be extremely useful. I know where to apply them.

All in all, well done!

Реter Konow:

Ahhhh...)) I've been working like a "slave to the galleys" for the greater good. I haven't been back for long. I have a project to finish and the forum is very distracting.

Are you working on Canvas now? I can see you've made some impressive progress. All those graphic effects, anti-aliasing, scaling can be extremely useful. I know where to apply them.

All in all, well done!

That's how I got into kanvas for the sake of GUI for my products, as the existing ones don't meet my requirements. But I'm not a competitor to you and Anatoly, because I'm not going to make my GUI publicly available. But I will publish an advanced kanvas in time.
Реter Konow:

Ahhhh...)) I've been working like a "slave to the galleys" for the greater good. I haven't been back for long. I've got a project to finish and the forum is very distracting.

I thought so too. I remembered you the other day.
I thought: Maybe Peter is working hard and the world will see something Super-duper soon.
And I also thought: Maybe now Petr has mastered OOP and will give everybody a new GUI class. ))
Nikolai Semko:
That's how I got into kanvas for the sake of GUI for my products, since the existing ones don't meet my requirements. But I am not competing with Anatoly, since I'm not going to make my GUI available to general public. But I will publish an advanced kanvas in time.

I see. You started by "pumping up" the kanvas, and from that move on to the controls?

In principle, there is no compulsory order. It doesn't matter where you start, the tasks will be the same anyway. They will line up on their own in the development process.

About accessibility - only Anatoly can boast about it at the moment. I have also thought about making it accessible to all. But for me it will be a little bit more complicated.

But, for the common good, I suppose I could think of something...)).

But first I have to finish it.