Canvas is cool! - page 3


As usual...

Firstly, I wrote in the first lines that this is code to demonstrate the capabilities of custom graphics.

Secondly, it's a question of capability and ability.

If there is ability, but no capability, there will be no evolution.

And if you don't have the ability and imagination, then no amount of capability will help either.

Not only is Kanvas a great way to wrap products in a nice, friendly interface, but it's also a great way to visualize various complex processes.

Renat often rightly says that the time of manual trading is gone and now the battle of automatic strategies rules.

I will say more, that simply crossing different lines will not give you a competitive edge and you will always be in the majority among the crowd.

Now, concepts such as various clouds and spaces, such as probabilities; various multidimensional systems and networks, such as neural networks, have long been on the scene. Artificial intelligence is coming into play.

The world is moving away from primitivism.

Without the visualisation of these complex processes there is no way around it. And here there are no options - only drawing on the pixel level, i.e. kanvas. That is what this fairy tale was created for.

So you would at least put it down in your subcortex that you can do that, in case you get used to it some day :))

Of course, visualization is a very heavy load on the system. Who makes it work all the time? It is necessary if the observer, the host, wants it.

And if you can see what's going on right now and what your robot is doing, isn't that a plus?

Personally, in my robot the price moves in 4-dimensional space, not in two-dimensional. Without a canvas you can't visualise it, but with a canvas you can.

Nikolai Semko:

As usual...

The world is moving away from primitivism....

You can't do without visualisation of these complex processes. And here there are no options - only drawing at the pixel level, i.e. kanvas. That is what this fairy tale was created for.

So you would at least put it down in your subcortex that you can do that, in case you get used to it some day :))

Of course, visualization is a very heavy load on the system. Who makes it work all the time? It is necessary if the observer, the host, wants it.

And if you can see what's going on and what your robot is doing right now, isn't that a plus?

Personally, in my robot the price moves in 4-dimensional space, not in two-dimensional. Without kanvas it's impossible to visualize it, but with kanvas it's possible.

great ! very nice slogan !

you must have gotten some kind of publicity for you, you're a very busy man,

you don't want to waste your time.

Denis Sartakov:

great ! very good slogan !

You must have gotten some kind of advertisement, you're a very busy man,

you don't want to waste your time.

Thank you, if you're serious.

What kind of advertisement?

CCanvas class? Of which I use, as @fxsaber rightly pointed out, only 1%. ))

To my great regret, I'm wasting a lot of time.

Nikolai Semko:

I set myself a task: to demonstrate the capabilities of custom graphics via CCanvas class in a short code.

Here's what came out of it.

This script works in both MQL5 and MQL4. But it is much faster on MT5.

Each frame is unique and does not repeat, i.e. the script is not cyclic.

Before compiling, move array m_pixels[] from protected: to public in Canvas.mqh:

Eto class *Mushrooms* and *Extension*))

How do you make your own drawing? To make it bounce as well
Mickey Moose:
How do you make your own image? I want it to jump as well.
In the scripts a loop with a slip
Otherwise through OnTimer and/or events.
Nicholas is a giant ! Canvas - impossible to tear yourself away! And also found the time to create a GIF ! Thank you for the cool high art.
Nikolai Semko:

Renat often rightly says that the time of manual trading is gone and now the battle of automatic strategies rules.

I will say more, that simply crossing different lines will not give you a competitive advantage and you will always be in the majority among the crowd.

Now, concepts such as various clouds and spaces, such as probabilities; various multidimensional systems and networks, such as neural networks, have long been on the scene. Artificial intelligence comes into play.

Only for the AI, all these niceties do not give a shit.

In addition, there is a diametrically opposite point of view that all complex sophisticated systems are very unstable, and it is impossible to make money with them. At the same time, the simplest TS of crossing the price and sliding bar type, works quite well and has a better stability.

I wonder how the price can move in 4-dimensional space, but even if it were true, the point is that it should not be visualized. When you have an idea - you just have to hammer it into an EA, and run it through history, perhaps with a forward period, perhaps in a Monte Carlo Lab.

You (let's keep it on a first name basis) yourself say that automatic strategies rule, but you suggest working with kanvas in order to involve a person in the work.

The demonstration of possibilities is very impressive indeed. But where to apply them is unclear to me.


Don't be convinced... a person has to get his own bumps in the road before he realizes it - by going through neural networks... Hilbert space... phase trajectories... (...with all the stops.)

be sure to stop at VTE, you know, Preckter and Gamble, or O'Neill - study for sure.

golden words ! both you and georg.

although you don't have to stop there.

It is unseemly that occasionally on this forum, intelligent people trump up concepts that have no relation to science, passing them off as scientific. I remember reading one, his analysis was considered in 5-6-7 dimensional space. Meanwhile, the word space, most likely, should be replaced with an array. Then yes, you can make up as many dimensions as you want. Dimensionality of space will be replaced with 4-dimensional dynamic arrays. You can do more, but the average computer does not have enough power.
Meanwhile, the question of the widespread introduction of robots in trading is relevant, but to say that others have no use is debatable. Funds, banks, and others will always have more computing power than the average individual, and they will not, but they already have, nevertheless they have been and still are trading in semi-manual mode. Besides, no matter how fast the capabilities of the puppeteers are, they are also physically limited. It is impossible to instantly and inconspicuously pour in and out money in market conditions. And there are liquidity ceilings in glass cases too.

You essentially analyze, modify in a perceptible form the information, and display it on the screen. The more information you put on the screen, the easier and faster it is analysed. Kanvas is used for graphic representation only. But the one who knows how to get useful information, especially to build what is on the picture, surely may take into account programmatically what he put on the screen. It turns out that it is useful not for those who are new to programming, but for those who are new to trading. Those who are searching and can display more information with intermediate results of analysis, which possibly narrows the search and outlines the future direction of searching more precisely. Those who are new to programming and trading do not need it at all. And for NOT beginners (in either case), such as you, it is also not clear why they need it, who can obtain the advantage that the picture gives them programmatically.

In the meantime, it is only one way of application. You can build this visualization directly into the analysis mechanism itself, not just into the output. Which in some approaches in theory should reduce the computational burden in deeper calculation approaches. These are the kinds of examples that would be more relevant and would generate more interest. Again in those few who are able to understand and repeat it at all.