Peak ruble in 2018! Yes ? or..... - page 18


It's started) and it probably won't be the limit

waiting for 120?

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Are we waiting for 120?


The Central Bank had an opportunity not to restrain the rouble when oil plummeted into negative territory.

If they did, they will keep it at 71-74

Yuriy Zaytsev:

120 waiting?

Wait for it.



The Central Bank had an opportunity not to restrain the rouble when oil plummeted into negative territory.

If they have restrained it, they will keep it at 7

Well, we do not believe that it will remain at the level of 74 roubles. It is more likely to return to 81, and then it will depend on the circumstances)

Dmitriy Skub:

Wait for it.

in 2018 just two years ago the ruble at 80-70 seemed unbelievable



The Central Bank had an opportunity not to restrain the rouble when oil plummeted into negative territory.

If they did, they will keep it at 71-74.

Oil stocks together with oil took to the $20/barrel level at almost the same time.

On the chart, the mark is a black circle.

But then oil rebounded and the whole oil industry got excited and went up.

And oil kept falling and kissed the bottom at 16, the bardot circle on the chart,

The interesting thing is that oil companies did not follow oil and do not rush to renew their catches

What do you think it has to do with? I mean, why didn't oil stocks break out of their ranks - if they are so dependent on oil.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Oil stocks together with oil renewed their catches almost at the same time at $20 per barrel.

On the chart there is a black circle.

But then oil rebounded and the whole oil industry got excited and went up.

And the oil continued to fall and kissed the bottom price at 16, the Bard's circle on the chart,

The interesting thing is that the oil companies did not follow the oil and do not rush to renew their catches.

What do you think it has to do with?

The real oil market is not exactly what stock market speculators manage to draw. Major oil investors are well aware of this.

Konstantin Nikitin:

The real oil market is not exactly what the stock market speculators manage to draw. Major oil investors understand this very well.


Explain why oil went after oil in the first wave.

And why didn't it go in the second wave?

(investors began to understand something only in the second wave, while in the first wave they did not understand anything at all) this explanation is also accepted.

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Oil stocks together with oil renewed their catches almost at the same time at $20 per barrel.

There's a black circle mark on the chart.

But then oil bounced back and the whole oil industry got excited and kicked up

And oil continued to fall and hit rock bottom at 16, showing a Bardic circle,

What is interesting is that oil companies did not follow oil and do not rush to renew their catches

What do you think it has to do with? I mean, why didn't oil stocks break out of their ranks - if they are so dependent on oil.

It seems that no one has a basic ability to analyze the market.

Open the January 2016 oil and ruble quotes.

No need to look stupidly at the current charts!

The Ruble is being and will continue to be restrained because there was a pretext for the Central Bank not to restrain them!


Looked at it now, oil is falling and the ruble is getting stronger!

Нефть: статьи, новости, прогнозы - Блоги трейдеров и аналитика финансовых рынков
Нефть: статьи, новости, прогнозы - Блоги трейдеров и аналитика финансовых рынков
Нефть — природная маслянистая горючая жидкость, состоящая из сложной смеси углеводородов. Предположительно она образовалась десятки и сотни миллионов лет назад в результате естественной переработки

that's where, will be in the summer of 2020.