Study. - page 3

Victor Ziborov:

Then why don't you advise anyone to hire teachers?
It's really quicker with them (if that's the goal)
Go to a course with Gerchik - he is hiring someone in his place - watch all his videos on YouTube and YOU WILL BE HAPPY!
Mickey Moose:

Then why don't you advise anyone to hire teachers?
It's really quicker with them (if that's the goal)
Roman Shiredchenko:
Go to a course with Gerchik - he's hiring someone there instead of him - watch all his videos on YouTube and you will discover HAPPENESS!

I'm talking about teachers in general.

Victor Ziborov:
Хорошо, пусть будет так. Но я считаю, что взрослый человек может уже ходить сам, и не стоит ему обучаться у людей, которые преподают то, что сами не умеют.....

Get to the bottom of it all on your own.

To deny the LEARNING SYSTEM in favour of self-education is, of course, silly. The entire development of science and technology is built on the educational system.

A simple example:

You can learn to drive a car on your own, but it takes a long time and is not safe, or you can learn with an instructor - quickly, easily and without risk.

To refer to the fact that the Instructor cannot trade on his own is simply nonsense, since these are exceptions to the system, and the Trader simply could not find a Successful Instructor. And to talk about scammers is not serious... In any business, and even in science, there are plenty of cheaters, but to make a tragedy out of it... and deny the obvious...?


all fx companies probably have a training section.

you should start there.

Mickey Moose:

I'm talking about teachers actually.
he is a teacher in fact - there is an online connection with him after he has taken his courses - until you get a steady profit.
Roman Shiredchenko:
he's a teacher and he is in fact - there's an online connection with him after he's trained on his courses - permanently - until he gets a sustained profit.

Well, I understand that he will teach until he gets a steady profit. Who works for free?
Where you can apply. To study for a trade.
TO A UNIVERSITY. The right thing to do. No kidding. A great base is being built up there. About colleges, lyceums - I already mean that by default (the main ones are physics and mathematics, programming).
Roman Shiredchenko:
TO THE UNIVERSITY. The right thing to do. No kidding. It's a great base to build on. About colleges and lyceums - I mean that by default (major - mathematics, programming).

All the knowledge and experience I have - I gained not thanks to, but in spite of the university.

Our higher education is completely disconnected from reality and, in essence, is about "giving out certificates".

In 1987 I entered the institute as a programmer, the specialty of "system-engineer of the automatic control system". At the same time I only entered the computer in summer, after the second course, with the help of "personal connections". And this is a "programmer specialty" !!!

And, moreover, not to say that the equipment in the institute was heavily loaded - there were classrooms based on large ECMs, there were classrooms with DCKs. (There were a couple of IBM-compatible computers for the whole institute at that time, and I did not even look at them.) Most of them were free. Once I tried to address them - I wanted to come there in my spare time, to learn, to master... I was told "you have a curriculum, ask your teacher". A training plan was just one pair a week of practice. That's it.

I only learned how to program when I started working in one of the cooperatives, which appeared at the time, where I had access to a computer.

And this situation was, by all appearances, not only with programming. In my third year I got into the institute's radio engineering lab... Wah-wah-wah... What instruments were there... I wanted to feel them, work with them... And - the same song, "You have a training plan - come back in due time".