Study. - page 2

Victor Ziborov:
Sergei, is my background so interesting? I had private preparatory lessons in mathematics when I was preparing to go to university. The teacher was from the Institute of Cybernetics in Kiev. I learnt the most important thing from him: the approach (taking your time and having fun). That was it. All my other teachers in the institute were "petty" compared to this teacher. I had already written my dissertation by myself, without the actual participation of the supervisor. The supervisor played a formal role. So the initial impetus from the school bench is important. I have been dealing in Forex over 10 years. Of course, without any quack courses. I have had some success.

It's just that the teacher was an ace at his job.

Victor Ziborov:
Sergei, is my background so interesting? I had private preparatory lessons in mathematics when I was preparing to go to university. The teacher was from the Institute of Cybernetics in Kiev. I learnt the most important thing from him: the approach (taking your time and having fun). That was it. All my other teachers in the institute were "petty" compared to this teacher. I had already written my dissertation by myself, without the actual participation of the supervisor. The supervisor played a formal role. So the initial impetus from the school bench is important. I have been dealing in Forex over 10 years. Of course, without any quack courses. I have some success.

Not as your biography, but your approach to the issue. I myself have been trained by Gurus, but giving advice to everyone else is ONLY self-training .... Not logical..., even taking into account the initial kicking - still from the Guru... I doubt you would have achieved your diplomas with self-training...

Where to go. To learn how to trade.

it depends on what you want to get

You're more likely to learn how to buy a ready-made robot and mess around with it on your computer.

Victor Ziborov:
Andrei, I'll tell you this as someone who is retired and has numerous diplomas. The most effective education is self-education. So, don't pay for any quack courses (your city is probably full of them). Take the Internet, MT4, a demo account, and read and try, and you will see that little by little, step by step, your future individual trading system will become clear in your mind. But, be aware, this is a long and painful process. At least 4 years. And realistically, more. There is no wide pole road here. Good luck to you.
Thank you very much! Good luck to you!
Serqey Nikitin:

Not like your bio, but your approach to the issue... Trained by Gurus yourself, but giving advice to everyone else is ONLY self-taught... Not logical..., even with the initial kicking - still from the Guru... I doubt you would have achieved your diplomas with self-study...

All right, so be it. But I believe that an adult can already walk on their own, and they should not be taught by people who teach what they themselves do not know how to do. A successful trader will not engage in penny teaching if they themselves can trade successfully. Truly successful traders are not just few, they are microscopically few = 0.3% of all people who call themselves traders. I had one friend who was a skype forex teacher, so close that he spoke to me frankly. He was chatting on some forex forum, posing as a forex guru. Then he offered to teach forex on Skype in one week. He recruited a group of 10 people. The cost of training - 300 dollars per week for one student. I asked him: "Gena, you are a successful trader yourself, why do you need any other students? He answered: when you trade, you can either make profit or incur losses. And here - 100% profit. But that's not how life works for a long time. Life puts everything in its place in the end. The disciples have run out. They stopped trusting him. He accumulated about 500 thousand dollars in debts in Kiev for his "successful trade" and safely emptied it all out, very quickly - when Obama was elected for the first time in the USA. And now, when I hear "forex educator", I mentally imagine another "Gena". So don't believe any forex guru. Get to the bottom of it yourself.
Vadim Radchenko:

Search the internet for different books, articles, read the relevant sections in the forums. All this can be found in the public domain and for free. You just need to filter for yourself what is useful and what is not (this will come with time and experience).

Do not go for any paid courses - they will tell you the same thing that you can find for free. Remember, if the trader knows how to trade, he will not teach anybody (for money), because he will earn on the market, not on selling courses.

As already written above, you will learn it for a long time and on your own mistakes (there is no way without it).

And yes, do not read any analysts or news in the early stages of trading - it will only get in the way.

Good luck!

Thank you! Good luck to you!
Victor Ziborov:
All right, so be it. But I believe that an adult can already walk on their own, and they should not be taught by people who teach what they themselves do not know how to do. A successful trader will not engage in penny-pinching teaching if he himself knows how to trade successfully. Truly successful traders are not just few, they are microscopically few = 0.3% of all people who call themselves traders. I had one friend who was a skype forex teacher, so close that he spoke to me frankly. He was chatting on some forex forum, posing as a forex guru. Then he offered to teach forex on Skype in one week. He was recruiting a group of 10 people. The cost of training - 300 dollars per week for one student. I asked him: "Gena, you are a successful trader yourself, why do you need any other students? He answered: when you trade, you can either make profit or incur losses. And here - 100% profit. But that's not how life works for a long time. Life puts everything in its place in the end. The disciples have run out. They stopped trusting him. He accumulated about 500 thousand dollars in debts in Kiev for his "successful trade" and safely emptied it all out, very quickly - when Obama was elected for the first time in the USA. And now, when I hear "forex educator", I mentally imagine another "Gena". So don't believe any forex guru. Get it all out on your own.

Can I continue?
Mickey Moose:

May I continue?
You may, Mikhail, continue.
Victor Ziborov:
You may, Mikhail, carry on.

So what happened to that man next?
Mickey Moose:

So what happened to that man next?
Nothing happened. He found a new thing to do - he goes around different forex forums and sells a new platform. Not MT4(5), but some other one. Convincing naive people that, you know, you are not good at trading, because you are using the wrong platform. He's a brilliant speaker, he's good at holding his own in public. The audience loves him immediately. They believe him, and he makes money on that belief. Has he paid his debts? - No. He gets calls, he always picks up the phone. He says he has no money at all. He lives with his retired parents. So there's nothing at all. No one's ever taken him out into the woods. He owes me $15,000, too. I don't want to turn to anyone to pay it back. He could be killed because of my debt and then a man's life will be on my conscience. I could be accused of ordering the murder. I don't want that. His name is Gennady Babak. You can Google him, see how many of his videos, his ads... So Ghena is still thriving. You see, usually God gives a man one talent, but at the expense of other talents. I've noticed this: if a man is a brilliant orator, then he can't solve a serious problem. All the talent has gone into oratory.