Templates in Freelancing: how to communicate with a customer and not go crazy - page 6


What is the TOR and what should it be ...


how to install, how to test, how to top up - these are the most frequent queries. Which are in principle easy to explain in their own template (everyone has an article, even in blogs on this site, where you can give a link)

But the most frequent slogan is:

"It doesn't work for me".

That is, this phrase directly kills.

That's the one on the whole page:

"It doesn't work for me."

Can you feel that phrase slowly killing you?

"У меня не работает"

It's not clear what kind of answer the user expects?

It works for me!

i.e. an empty phrase, on a frosty morning, the first thing you see in your messages:

"It's not working for me"

and silence...

And you hear horror movie music in your ears ..................... Cold sweat.................Pulse pierces your brain............. mood drops............

You write right away:

- what's not working?

The customer thinks for another 24 hours that it is not working.

Meanwhile, you are fighting with your family, refusing to pay tips, refusing to eat, smoking nervously, unable to sleep thinking about

What's wrong with his job?

if you could at least show the customer a picture, at least say something more.

because sometimes:

-It's not working!

-what does not work?

-The terminal won't start! -The adviser is sad! -We don't trade on weekends! .................... (underline as appropriate) does not start, does not trade, does not open, does not set stops, opens incorrectly, closes incorrectly.

That is, the customer sees supposedly not what he wanted, although he actually did everything fine, but the customer, for example, sets indicators with some parameters on a chart, and the Expert Advisor runs with other parameters. - This is an example.

Because of this, I do not want to spend time on explaining that everything is OK.

It would be great if a script would be launched with this phrase:

What's not working for you?

  1. Attach server log file - and a picture of where to get it,
  2. Next step: Attach EA log file
  3. next step: Attach a picture of the whole terminal
  4. Next step: Attach detailed report
  5. Next step: Attach mesh file

And so on step by step, then all this is archived and sent to the performer ... EHHH... dreams.

I was already thinking about building such a utility in a third party language.

For such a script on your site - everyone would give it a standing ovation!

it would be awesome if it was at terminal level. just a button - build report!!!!

here........ seriously..... I know it's a stupid request, but that would be awesome.

I use a pattern like this to find 99% of a user's problems within 3 minutes. Then I connect on thiamviefer and show what the client has done wrong.
Vladislav Andruschenko:

in general, it would be awesome if it was on the terminal level. a button like this - collect report!!!!

here........ seriously..... I know it's a silly request, but that would be awesome.

I use this pattern to find 99% of user's problems within 3 minutes. Then I connect by tiamviefer and show what the client did wrong.

Oh,yeah... I'm sending them on Skype right now to show them what they're doing. Yeah, I want video consultations here so I don't need any outside contacts, but the more persistent ones have already made it to the phone.

I have tried everything in my head and have come to the conclusion that there is no indicator which is used in the EA. He insisted on reinstalling everything and I had to install everything three times and he started to reinstall the terminal. It turned out that he'd put the indicator in the terminal...

Often customers are baffled by collecting information and get lost in what they have to click - it's easier to tell them in 15 minutes during demonstration "click there".


And the second thing I'd like - some kind of template for ToR, questions that must be covered, some examples of ToR, so that the customer can look and make himself similar (often asked). Otherwise, it's like a flight of fancy, not bounded by anything + stray terminology ...

Galina Bobro:

And the second thing I would like is some template of terms of reference, questions that need to be covered, some examples of terms of reference, so that the customer can look at them and use them as an analogy (they often ask that). Otherwise, it's just a kind of free thought, unrestricted by anything + stray terminology...

There's an idea about that too. But it's more complicated, first we need to make templates

Galina Bobro:

And the second thing I would like is some template of terms of reference, questions that need to be covered, some examples of terms of reference, so that the customer can look at them and do the same for themselves (they often ask that). Otherwise, it's just a kind of free-thinking, unrestricted and unconstrained + stray terminology...

Yes, such a brief on the subject of the order would be to collect.

I recently did an order for a website design.

So the usual site design I wrote such a brief (about 30 questions was about what I want) - all was automatic, I had a question, I wrote the answer, eventually the contractor received the finished assembled TOR from the questions and answers.

Andrei Fandeev:
This is not the problem. If the performer agrees to do it in 3 days it's his problem if he doesn't do it. Why should there be an extension?
I was talking about the "disappearance" of the customer when there is no one to extend, he just does not appear on the site.

Elementary, at the step of agreeing the terms of reference, the client cannot find how to increase the deadline or change the cost.

Or he has a hiccup, comes up with something else - took the deadline and added money. Why can't this be done?

A lot of people can't add a picture to the post right away.

Taras Slobodyanik:

Elementary, at the step of agreeing the ToR, the client cannot find how to increase the deadline or change the cost.

Yes, that's an issue, too. If the Customer made a mistake by specifying a shorter deadline when adding TOR, and the Developer disagrees with this deadline, we are forced to delete the request, create a new one and ask the Customer to choose/agree again but with the correct deadline. This is an unnecessary fuss, I agree.

But, again, I was talking about something else - when Provider agrees to deadline, but Client disappears before the deadline. In this case, the client is to blame for the delay, and the contractor's reputation is damaged.
Andrei Fandeev:

But, again, I was talking about something else - when the contractor agrees to a deadline but the client disappears before the deadline. This is where the client is to blame for the delay and the contractor's reputation is damaged.
Let's allow the deadline and cost to be increased - that would help in the case of a sane customer.
Rashid Umarov:
Allowing the deadline and cost to be increased will help in the case of a sane client.

This is very good! Sometimes, as the work progresses, customers' appetite grows, but they are no longer able to keep up with the initial cost. This is where the trick of increasing the deadline and the cost of the work will be very useful. The initiator of the process should be the customer. So that he can attach a new TOR (with the necessary additions), specify a new (not reduced!) term and a new (not reduced!) cost of the work.

So that there is a kind of addendum without creating a new job.


the most important thing for me, others have said as well, is that if the performer has sent in a check - then the order time stops.

There are some customers who disappear for a month. And then the overdue statistics pile up.