Templates in Freelancing: how to communicate with a customer and not go crazy - page 5

Rashid Umarov:

What's missing from the list I keep/update in the first post ? Hard to think of any other common situations.

Not freelance but you need to

What is Activation, what is activation charged for ?

Why is the EA not working on another PC, I copied it there...


Write me a profitable advisor, you're the programmer yourself, and I'll pay you from the profits ... ))) Not often but it happens ...

Vladimir Pastushak:

Write me a profitable advisor, you're the programmer yourself, and I'll pay you from the profits ... ))) Not often but it happens ...

This is in the humour section.

Rashid Umarov:

What's missing from the list I keep/update in the first post? It's hard to think of any other common situations.

I'm not saying anything is missing, but everything flows, everything moves... Suddenly there is a need to add a new tip. How would it be possible to do this?
Rashid Umarov:

There will be pictures, of course.


A question that may be relevant for MT4: how do I upload history?

Andrey Voytenko:


A question that may be relevant for MT4: how do I download history?

Right, I forgot. Adding

Alexander Laur:

Or maybe before stamping out templates, try making changes to the organisational process:

You would suggest something out of the realm of fiction. Real life.

PS I looked - you do not use Freelance in any way. Before hiring repairmen in the house, you have to pass tests - knowledge of SNiP and Gostov necessarily. Right?
Rashid Umarov:

You would offer something that is not out of the realm of fantasy. Real life.

PS Seen - you in general do not use Freelance in any way. Before you hire a repairman in the house, you have to pass the tests - knowledge of SNiP and Gostov necessarily. Right?

Ouch, ouch, ouch... Before hiring renovators for your favourite house, you need to know not only the SNiP and Gosty, but in general, it is desirable to finish at least a building school. Otherwise they will do so much repairing.... it will be more expensive to redo... It is also more expensive to repair a car. If you don't understand anything, they'll heat you up... there's not enough money. There are only two ways out - either know a lot, at least at the vocational school level, or steal, sorry, but earn more than the car mechanics charge. And so that there was left to fix the bugs that will leave the mountain of repairers.

But still, I can't agree with the test. It's too much.

Rashid Umarov:
PS I looked it up - you don't use Freelance at all. Before hiring home renovators, you have to pass tests - knowledge of SNiPs and Gosts is mandatory. Right?

At least have a clear idea of what you need )

Often you don't either, but that's another story.