Templates in Freelancing: how to communicate with a customer and not go crazy - page 4

Rashid Umarov:

Yes, the original idea was to create a guide with answers and publish it. Then I wanted to ask someone from the forum to write an article with all the ready-made advice.

But suddenly, once again, it became clear that the customers don't read anything. And it would be only slightly easier for the doers - to go to the article/guide themselves, copy the necessary piece and paste it into the chat room of the work. And then the next step came the solution of how to shorten that path as well - giving the developer ready-made templates so they can respond without leaving their work.

And the templates work even on tablets/smartphones as long as the browser supports desktop mode. This way, simple/popular questions can be answered by the Executive even without being at the computer. Isn't that great?

I hope you will expand the list of tips/patterns? It would be nice to have an "add to tips" button or something.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

I hope you will expand the list of tips/patterns?

I'm just trying to figure out which templates will be in demand. Suggest

Alexey Kozitsyn:

It would be nice to have an "add to tips" button or something.

Didn't get it.

Rashid Umarov:

I don't understand.

Most likely, what was meant was that the implementer can add their own templates to the list of templates that are not on the list.

Really, IMHO, anarchy would ensue.


I went to freelancing now, are both customers and performers anonymous now?

Rashid Umarov:

Yes, the original idea was to create a guide with answers and publish it. Then I wanted to ask someone from the forum to write an article with all the ready-made advice.

But suddenly, once again, it became clear that the customers don't read anything. And it would be only slightly easier for the doers - to go to the article/guide themselves, copy the necessary piece and paste it into the chat room of the work. And then the next step is to decide how to shorten this path - give the developer ready-made templates, so he can respond without leaving his work.

And the templates work even on tablets/smartphones, as long as the browser supports desktop mode. That way, simple/popular questions can be answered by the Executive even without being at the computer. Wouldn't that be great?

Of course you know better, but IMHO this is a problem of freelancers and customers, and if someone can not write TOR or properly code what they want - why should the metaquotes spend their time on this?

Mickey Moose:

Of course you know better, but IMHO this is a problem of freelancers and customers, and if someone cannot write the TOR or properly code what they want, why should the methaquots waste their working time on it?

They are wasting it anyway, shoveling such work through arbitrage.

Another thing is that the customer will read the template answer, but will not be able to understand what is addressed to him. In addition to the text you need a second line of defence - pictures like @EvgenyBelyaev's above.

A video showing popular answers and the URL links to each of them broken down by time would also help.

Andrey Voytenko:

They are wasting it anyway, scraping up similar work through arbitration.

Another thing is that the customer will read the template response and not understand what is addressed to them. In addition to the text you need a second line of defence - pictures like @EvgenyBelyaev's above.

Pictures will be there, of course. It has long been an axiom that everyone prefers to look than read.

Rashid Umarov:

I don't get it.

Artyom Trishkin:

Most likely, what was meant was that the implementer can add their own templates to the list of templates, which are not on the list.

Really, IMHO, anarchy would ensue.

Yes, that's right. To be able to add your own template, which is not in the list of preinstalled. Or only through servicedesk with an offer?
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Yes, that's right. To be able to add your own template, which is not in the list of pre-installed templates. Or only through servicedesk with an offer?

What's missing from the list I keep/update in the first post? It's hard to think of any other common situations.