Paying for freelancing. - page 6

Alexey Oreshkin:

I thought not to participate in further debriefing, but when the mouth of the leadership blatant nonsense, it's already too much, and this phrase above confirms the eternal position of MQ - you're all feeble, only I know how right.
If the customer, for whatever reason, has ticked all the boxes, i.e. agreed to the work, demonstration etc., and then suddenly submits to arbitration - why would the contractor easily lose? Ignorance of the law does not exempt from liability.

Read the story carefully:

  1. The performer in this thread states"I don't need your ticks, nobody uses them, they get clicked off"
  2. If the client says"I was asked by the contractor to click them quickly, but we did the work elsewhere" in arbitration

Then the conclusion is absolutely correct. A malicious performer misleads the customer, takes the work to the side, asks to quickly click through all the agreements, and then, when the customer sees the light and declares arbitration at the last moment, the performer loses on the aggregate of what has been done.

There have been a lot of cases like this. And as good as ever, "the doer says to the customer (who is knowingly less pumped) - we spit on everything, the main thing is the money", and then the offended party goes to arbitration.

I repeat that the service is more than 7 years old and has more than 42,000 completed jobs. Therefore, its rules are tried and tested by real practice.

Alexander Puzanov:

I don't know who I'm framing or what I'm framing...

Once you understand this, you can continue with the topic.


Why fight on a holy night and Christmas? You need to develop financial literacy and responsibility, then you won't have to worry about freezing your earnings for seven days. But just in case: there are interest-free credit cards for a certain period ;)

Vladimir Zubov:

What makes you think that the contractor will lose in the arbitration? There is a balanced decision, both in favour of the contractor and the client, it all depends on the specific situation.

Here are the arbitration statistics for the whole term:

In fact every 10th order goes to arbitration. What percentage would be if there was no elaborate scheme of stages and confirmations, even scary to imagine.

As we got tired of sorting out the basic "and I didn't know anything" claim, time after time we strengthened the requirements for participants by spelling out the details:

I want to find a contractor to do the work and all the calculations in this Application. I undertake not to contact any candidates outside of this application - neither in third party messengers, nor in personal correspondence or by post - before entering into the Agreement. I understand and accept the condition that the violator of the rules will be deprived of the right to place orders in Freelance.

I have read the Freelance service Terms of Use and accept them. I agree that the service administration has the right to suspend, terminate or cancel my work by decision of the Arbitration.

I also confirm that I have read the articles:

In addition [x] I, xxxxxx, confirm that I accept the above requirements.

But something is not really helping.

Renat Fatkhullin:

Once you understand this, you can go on with the topic.

There is no understanding, that's true. I don't understand if you're only dodging answers, why even enter into a dialogue on the subject.



The main problem is that a developer grabs an order without reading it and signs off on "crude" and "unworked" clauses of the terms of reference. Sometimes, the customer needs exactly a "fuzzy" description, which he himself does not know how to specify, but at the same time it is strictly a matter of principle)). This kind of work just can't be done amicably, so you need to define it before you start and not take it... All because of the rush...

Renat Fatkhullin:

Here are the arbitration statistics for the whole term:

In fact, one in 10 orders goes to arbitration. It is scary to imagine what the percentage would have been if there had not been an elaborate scheme of stages and confirmations.

As we got tired of sorting out the basic "and I didn't know anything" claim, time after time we strengthened the requirements for participants by spelling out the details:

I want to find a contractor to do the work and all the calculations in this Application. I undertake not to contact any candidates outside of this application - neither in third party messengers, nor in personal correspondence or by post - before entering into the Agreement. I understand and accept the condition that the violator of the rules will be deprived of the right to place orders in Freelance.

I have read the Freelance service Terms of Use and accept them. I agree that the service administration has the right to suspend, terminate or cancel my work by decision of the Arbitration.

I also confirm that I have read the articles:

And in addition [x] I, xxxxxx, confirm the acceptance of the above requirements.

But something is not very helpful.

I've found excellent statistics to prove that I have no bias and have honestly "handled" the situation.

Alexander Puzanov:

There is no understanding, that's for sure. I don't understand, if you're only dodging answers, why engage in a dialogue on this topic at all.

I made it clear - you only see the world from your own point of view. So I made it clear - "you want to frame others with your rules".

You want to take the money and get away as quickly as possible, leaving others to deal with the risks. Both the customer and the service.

The rest of the points made are of no interest, as everything in the base is clear.

Renat Fatkhullin:

I explained - you only see the world from your own point of view. So I made it clear - "you want to screw the rest of us with your rules".

You want to take the money and get away as quickly as possible, leaving others to deal with the risks. Both the customer and the service.

The rest of the points made are of no interest, as everything in the base is clear.

So if a person works for more than a year, where does he get "washed away"?
the first 7 days are freezing - no question about it - bank control.
the second 7 days - control of what?

Taras Slobodyanik:

so if a person's been working for more than a year, where does he go?
the first 7 days of the freeze is a bank check.
the second 7 days - control of what?

What's the second one? They only freeze for 7 days... the counter just ticks and that's it... the counter counts from the moment the job is accepted.