Paying for freelancing. - page 3

Ihor Herasko:

So the customer gets what he ordered and the contractor goes unpaid? It seems odd to penalise the contractor for the fact that the customer is a crook.

Nevertheless, it is a fact. I am talking about the market, but as far as I know there have been such cases in freelancing, too.

Renat Fatkhullin:


  1. we have weeded out many and there are now a paltry number of such cases
  2. we cover the losses from our own pocket, so all our control actions are justified
I have had 3 such cases. No one has ever refunded me any money.
Alexey Oreshkin:

I understand all that. I'm not arguing with your terms, I'm not making any demands or wishes, I'm not making any requests.
I'm just stating my opinion - I'm not satisfied with these terms, and therefore I'm not working. That is all.
And the fact that the topic has become so unexpectedly resonant for me is a reason for you to think. It means that I am not the only one who does not like these rules.

You've just given a good reason to open up the subject and publish a fuller rationale.

We started freelancing more than 7 years ago and we've done over 42,000 paid jobs. In that time we've gone over all the rakes, upgraded it several times and re-evaluated it. It's working well now and another big step forward is imminent.

So, thank you!

Evgeny Belyaev:

Nevertheless, it is a fact. I am talking about the market, but as far as I know there have been such cases in freelancing too.

It's clear with Market. Everything is correct there. But the situation described in Freelance is completely out of the question. If you have to freeze the funds that are on the Provider's side, then it makes sense to "freeze" the result of the work until the necessary checks have been passed. Otherwise it is a great hole in the service's performance.

Evgeny Belyaev:
I have had three such cases. No one has ever refunded me the money.

We refund visa, mastercard, paypal and all the rest.

On marketplace/freelance/signals, money is definitely taken from sellers if the transaction was fraudulent. If they didn't freeze, there would be dozens of times more problems.

Renat Fatkhullin:

We refund visa, mastercard, paypal and all the rest.

On marketplace/freelance/signals certainly take money from sellers if the transaction was fraudulent. If they didn't freeze, there would be dozens of times more problems.

You are doing the right thing, if the payment systems allow refunds, it is not logical that MQ should bear all the costs of refunds, and I have no doubt that fraudsters are blocked and the license for the paid product is revoked.

Ihor Herasko:

With the Market, it's clear. Everything is correct there. But the situation described in Freelance is out of the question. If you want to freeze the funds that are on the contractor's side, then it is logical to "freeze" the result of the work until the necessary checks are passed. Otherwise, it's a great breach in the service's performance.

A one week freeze is an extremely forgiving scheme and does not solve even 80% of the problem.

In reality, a chargeback from the bank also comes after 1-2 months. As a result, we bear most of the risks and expenses. Payment systems freeze us for at least 2 months, regardless of what they have written on paper in the conditions.

It is important to understand that this situation is everywhere. You just don't see that someone else actually bears all the risks and dampens them when they come down to a lower level.


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Freelance Payments.

Renat Fatkhullin, 2017.12.24 20:45

  1. we cover losses from our own pocket, so all our control actions are justified

Something doesn't sit right with that:

Renat Fatkhullin:

We pay back visa, mastercard, paypal and everyone else.

What's the loss?

They took the $30, they paid the $30 back. So we pay the fee. And the freelancer and the seller get nothing. The only one who suffers a loss is the freelancer and the seller.

Renat Fatkhullin:

What are the inconveniences?

With payments? That's the way it is everywhere in almost all services. Everyone has to fight against fraud, otherwise the service will be destroyed. A service without a freeze is an immediate target for fraudsters.

With having to go through all the steps of the process? So it's the opposite, saving both sides from endless claims and failure to follow through.

And even our own arbitration has conducted more than 4,000 (four thousand!) proceedings, helping to bring the case to an end or to settle amicably.

I wasn't interested in this kind of thing before, and it's punishable, but still I'll risk asking about this service

1) what percentage of transactions is fraudulent?

2) what % of freelancing has to be cleaned up only through the involvement of outsiders? Because judging by the profiles here it is abnormally high. And it's clearly for a reason and at the very least is alarming.

Evgeny Belyaev:

Something doesn't make sense:

What's the loss?

$30 was taken, $30 was refunded. So the commission was paid. And the freelancer and the seller get nothing. The only one who suffers a loss is the freelancer and the seller.

They come back in 2-4-6 weeks for amounts much greater than $30, when both participants are gone.

You'll understand the depth of the problems if you do it yourself. There 2-2 is easily equal to -2, and even -1 so all. Once again, in practice, when you do it.