Paying for freelancing.


I never take freelance work, but it just so happened that an order came in. After going through a lot of unexpected stages with approvals, etc., I ended up with a 7-day freeze on my funds. And why is this done I can not understand?
After all, the customer and the contractor agreed to everything, prototype, code, layout and a lot of other unexpected stages is completed, and then the freeze.

I used to have unexpected delays at work and I always told my employer that if you delay payment to me, be kind, the average rate on deposits, for the number of days of delay increase my labor payment.
Now the average rate is 7.25% per annum, for 7 days it should be 7.25/365*7=0.139%. Will the methaquotes pay me for them ?
If not, why are you using my money, for which I have paid you your 10% tax by the way ?


This is to protect you from fake freelance jobs with ferrying funds. You can choose not to participate in the freelance service if you are not happy with the rules.


What left frigid work if I gave the customer both the job and the source code?

Yes I'm not satisfied with the terms and I refused the new assignment - I haven't worked through freelancing before, nor will I in the future.

Alexey Oreshkin:

What left frigid work if I gave the customer both the work and the source code?


So you didn't take the time to read it after all? Sure, because it's much easier to put forward "I'm owed everything", "I don't understand and don't even want to understand - so you have to do it my way".


The original 7-day freeze made more sense to me. When the agreement was made, funds from the customer's account were frozen and the seven days counted from that point.

Then they changed it. The customer's funds are frozen, I do the work, maybe a week, maybe two, and another 7 days have to pass after the customer confirms payment. Is it not possible to check them from the moment of freezing?

Vladimir Karputov:

So you haven't found the time to read after all? Of course, it's much easier to make "I'm owed everything" and "I don't understand and don't even want to understand - so you have to do it my way".

Have I made any demands? There are terms of service that I do not argue with, but they do not suit me, so I do not work. Everything is very simple and clear.
That is why someone else cannot read.

Alexey Oreshkin:

What left frigid jobs if I gave the customer both the work and the source code?

You have normal work, and there have been cases of frigid work... It takes time to determine what's what with so much work in the service, that's what 7 days is.

Yes I am not satisfied with the terms and I refused the new job - I have not worked through freelancing before, I will not do so in the future.

That's how it was resolved.

Then changed. Funds are frozen at the customer, I do the job, maybe a week, maybe two, and after the customer confirms the payment should take another 7 days. Is it not possible to check them from the time of freezing?

You can only check them after accepting the work. What to check immediately after freezing? TK? even frigid people have it... But the TK + finished code, it's easier to check for fake...
They freeze the money so that they don't pay with cards.
But freezing it after work is over is something I don't understand either.
Taras Slobodyanik:
They freeze the money so you don't have to pay with cards.
But the freezing after work is not clear to me.

for the work period is clear. The issue with freezing afterwards.

Nikolay Ivanov:

that's all been resolved.

So I am not arguing with this. I have no questions or complaints about freelancing.
Nikolay Ivanov:

It can only be checked after the job has been taken... What is there to check immediately after freezing? The TK? Frigid people have it too... But the TOR + finished code, it's easier to check for cheating...

Exactly so.

By the way, features and convenience of freelance market really grew. New variants of work have been added, descriptions became more detailed:

Well, and bacchanalia with free scooping of orders and executors has been partially blocked. What people really don't like.