Do you think the price movement algorithm is known? And what do you do if you discover this algorithm (especially now that the markets are no longer open)? Is it possible to sell this algorithm to anyone? - page 2

Nikolai Semko #:
You are guaranteed to be able to monetise your algorithm if it really works.
But no one believes words.
You need a working prototype, which proves the effectiveness of the algorithm not only on historical data with preliminary "optimization", but also on a real account in real time.
Without it, any experienced trader will take your words with a smirk on their face, because they have numerous experiences with gore-gralers, of which there are many more than traders.
And every experienced handout writer here will realise with a probability far greater than 99% that you overestimate your creation and underestimate the realities of the market.
If you are not a programmer and are trying to find a free programmer here who will believe your words, I personally do not advise doing so, as it is perceived toxically here, as if a freeloader is looking for suckers.
Find a better paid programmer with a high rating here in freelancing and place an order.
If you are a programmer, then take the job.

Preliminary opinion, by the look and semantic load of his post, he lazha.
Algorithm cannot be sold! Only with history in a real account
The price movement algorithm is to know the news before they happen, in other words to be the one that shapes them.

For example, you don't have to literally project the below into a trade.

In the triple jump technique, there is one of the elements - an overhang on the bar, marked with a plasticine
roller, from which the counting starts.
Hypothetically, if you watch athletes performing this technique for a whole year, you can already
easily determine who makes the overstep only when the athlete makes the run-up.
The brain gradually, over a long period, learns to assess the situation, taking into account every detail.
Or another example from life. Probably not everyone has done this. But if you have, you know what I mean.
Walking along the road, say on asphalt, you see cracks. A few steps before another crack in the asphalt,
you already know which foot will step over it or will step on it.

Everything that happens is already in front of us. You have to teach your brain to work with it. Or more correctly,
you have to give your brain time to learn.

It's the same with the market. By looking at one concept long enough, you start to see something
that the rest of us don't get. That's when the algorithm emerges.

Do you think you know the algorithm of price movements? What should you do if you have found it (especially now, when the markets are not open any more)? Is it possible to sell this algorithm to someone?

Good morning to all and good mood!

The price movement algorithm is simple as hell. I am selling it for FREE!!!

The essence of the algorithm is that market makers at certain points in time agree among themselves, when to buy a dollar and when to sell it. And they agree on the long term. The decision to sell the dollar, they take when, in their opinion, the dollar is sufficiently expensive. Buy a dollar, respectively, when it has fallen significantly enough. I don't think we need to explain to everyone that these decisions are made behind the scenes?

And the fact that the price is jumping like a grasshopper on the chart, this is a robot collecting dough from all people on the planet, who were given the opportunity to get into the game of big men, to get rid of their hard-earned money.

Sincerely, Vladimir.

Do you think the price movement algorithm is known? And what do you do if you discover this algorithm (especially now that the markets are no longer open)? Is it possible to sell this algorithm to anyone?
Buying through FreeLance...
Eleni Anna Branou #:
The algorithm for price movement is to know the news before it happens, in other words, to be the one who shapes it.
Come to think of it, this is possible (the timing of what is happening is known) and even to go in at the best possible point. Moreover, the algorithm of the price movement itself has been found, both by candlesticks (including using the built-in standard set of indicators) and by waves in the context of different timeframes.
The price moves in such a way that as many people as possible lose. But it does not move that way because the lord of financial markets moves the price that way. People are constantly in confusion about what is happening on the chart because they are not 100% sure where the price will go. When the price moved, people do not see where it is going to go at least, and when it goes to the low, they do not know what is going to happen next. How many traders have one single possible accurate model of what is happening with a variance of targets reduced to 3-5% of the entire movement on the timeframe (and that only because you trade hands)?
Mr.AnArB #:
The price moves in such a way that as many people as possible lose. .......

Ridiculous! Considering that the main money flows between the banks... and the people only have a few % in this arrangement...