From theory to practice - page 1899

Алексей Тарабанов:

Maxim, the X-axis is time and the Y-axis is price. Amazing!

on the Y axis is Y-GREK!!!
Maxim Kuznetsov:
on the Y-axis is drawn Y!!!

Our lamps are a marvel.

Everything about them is wonderful, everything is beautiful...

Everything in the cathode and in the anode corresponds to nature.

And if the plus is the anode, the cathode is the other way round.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

a funny puzzle - i understand how and on what basis the bottom lines are drawn, how to read them

but then yes, the top chart correlates with the bottom chart :-)

how (approximately) are the buyers / sellers drawn ?

I wrote in the MO how

as you see with your eyes, so need to do, but the code

and then you won't get a price that oscillates up and down, but analmost flat forecast line

and then - there's a question in red

answer the question and it will be the same

the same thing happens on any TF, including ticks

only on ticks I would not advise, I tried it, the feed to the terminal stops for a couple of minutes, makes an unbelievable candle, as a result the order closes in the negative.... ;)

Renat Akhtyamov:

I wrote in the MoD how

as you can see with your eyes, you need to do the same, only in code.

and then you won't get a price that wobbles up and down, but an almost flat forecast line

and then - there's a question in red

answer the question and it will be the same.

the same thing happens on any timeframe, including ticks

only on ticks i dont advise, i tried it, the feed to the terminal stops for a couple of minutes, makes an unbelievable candle, as a result the order closes with a loss.... ;)

the MO branch is not the shortest one for rereading :-)

i don't really like MO with neural networks, that's why i have not been following it so carefully to remember all questions and nuances.

quote me if you don't mind

PS/ I realise that many threaded discussions sporadically migrate from branch to branch :-) sometimes important things get lost

Maxim Kuznetsov:

the MO branch is not the shortest for re-reading :-)

and in itself MO with neural nets is not really my area of expertise, so I haven't followed it closely enough to remember all the issues and nuances.

quote me if you don't mind

PS/ I realise that through the efforts of many people thematic discussions sporadically migrate from branch to branch :-) sometimes important things get lost

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategies testing

Machine learning in trading: theory and practice (trading and not only)

Renat Akhtyamov, 2020.01.11 17:42

I have already written that the principle is the same as the visual evaluation.

So when looking at the chart - how do we know if the price is falling or rising?

I have converted it to code and got this result.

When I did it the first time, I posted a screenshot in this thread.

It was more than a year ago.

Today I decided to throw in not one but a few pairs into this indicator.

Realised that the sauce is different - got a chart that is broken down into segments where it is essentially impossible to drain, it's a flat, we need to move on.

The November 2018 picture is here:


It's all clear.

Today is the day off and Renat has revived the branch with a new formula)


It's all clear.

Today is the day off and Renat has revived the branch with a new formula)

No, that's the Formula I've been talking about all along

it's not all that smooth :-)

although in general about the cotier from volume to volume walking straight - I agree :-)

Renat Akhtyamov:

aha, I finished it all, a year ago an idea (in november), here is the final version of the trading system model, just finished (no peeking, I tell you right away;))))) :

how many times i tried to post the code here out of frustration, i couldn't count

at least I've kept it together.

trend ;)

I'm telling you, you can predict, even the weather, if only for a chart

That's cool...but are there any calculations? Like the probability of at least calculating a positive event? Or conclusions based on the beauty of the graph ?)
PS: you can not win only on the trend or only on the flat - otherwise it will plummet, a loss either there or there.
Maxim Kuznetsov:

it's not all that smooth :-)

although on the whole the cotier from volume to volume walks straight - I agree :-)

and that's what's messed up.

and will be even more so when you run the verticals from the indy to the chart

but i knew that wasn't the case but it took me over a year to figure it out

I've got over two hundred of these modifications