From theory to practice - page 1885

Renat Akhtyamov:

Right, the scale, the deception of vision

the result is human error, a mistake, a drain

Mistake on all shoulders - a drain

EgorKim, well how's the trade yourself? Or are you still in the factory?

Evgeniy Kvasov:

Renat by the looks of it)))))

Come on, you're kidding, try running what I call RAKETO:

and there's actually a million different things like that.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Come on, try to run what I call RAKETO:

and there's a million different things like that.

Well by your logic down of course, 1 lot you have to give.

No one has the exact information. How many times I've tried

Interesting how it turns out, the flush of the crowd indicates that there will be a reversal.
The theory is that with 1:100 leverage, the average loss is 1000pp(five digits). Those who have more leverage will fail earlier, those who have less leverage will fail later. But where is the limit of the loss?
I think we should evaluate not the search of different leverage sinkers but price change in percents during a certain period of time. Roughly speaking, somewhere once I heard that 2-3%% a day is "overshoot", and if three days of 3% it is a full brexit.
But, is the trend reversing? Hmm, doesn't sound like a fact to me, a correction is quite possible....
Evgeniy Kvasov:

Well according to your logic down of course, 1 lot should be given.

No one has the exact information. How many times I've tried that?

No, the price will go up, very far, but it won't let this combination go to the plus.

and if you can explain why, then I'll continue the conversation

Otherwise, it's all bullshit, no matter how much you make.

Anatolii Zainchkovskii:
It's interesting how it turns out, the crowd drain indicates that there will be a reversal.
The theory is that with 1:100 leverage, the average loss is 1000pp (five digits). Those who have more leverage will lose earlier, those who have less leverage will lose later. But where is the limit of the loss?
I think it is more reasonable to evaluate not the search for different leverage plummers but price change in percents during a certain period of time. Roughly speaking, somewhere once I heard that 2-3%% a day is "overshoot", and if three days of 3% it is a full brexit.
But, is the trend reversing? Hmmm, not a fact for me, a correction is quite possible....

This is the feature that I exploit.

All traders analyze the chart volatility of the pair, etc. They all have the same idea which movements are normal and which are not. The intraday noise does not count. But nevertheless everyone sees the general trend of the pair and uses it to take trade risks. So it turns out that +- in one place we run out of patience and in this place the margin ends, or the price leaves with a loss.

But sometimes there is more traffic and I've even seen 4 times more. I have seen more than 4 times as much. But I have seen oil fall so that's bearable, but not nice.

Lately they like to have big pullbacks for a day or more before the finals. But it is all changeable.

Renat Akhtyamov:

No, the price will go up, very far, but it won't put this combination in the plus

and if you can explain why, then I'll keep talking.

but it's all bullshit, no matter how much you make.

The price will go from the volume in the cup)))) How it might not go in the plus I don't know. Or the sells 0.05 is then very, very low open.

I think I understand the principle of your forecast)))) I will not write it anymore ok

Evgeniy Kvasov:

Mistake on all shoulders - a drain

EgorKim, well how's the trade itself? Or still in the factory?


I've gone the way of the hard grail on cent account.

This is the maximal result I achieved on cent. Something like a packet of cigarettes.

Then sleepless nights and dreams of getting out of the kitchen and into the real market.

And of course I was already looking for a spaceship in my next shopping trip.

Then the idiot's dream came true - and I got some dough.

And so it went, the gears began to fly out of the mechanism.

At the moment I'm not sleeping on how to buy a ship, but on how to save the depot.

My best indicator right now is this


No way.

I've gone the way of the gauntlet on a cent account.

That's the most I've ever made on a cent. Something like a packet of cigarettes.

Then sleepless nights and dreams of getting out of the kitchen and into the real market.

And of course I was looking for a spaceship in my next shopping spree.

Then the idiot's dream came true - and I got some dough.

And so it went, the gears began to fly out of the mechanism.

At the moment I'm not sleeping on how to buy a ship, but on how to save the depot.

My best indicator right now is this.

Pity. Well it was almost certainly a martin.

I hope it doesn't happen to me. Ranges are statistically calculated. No martin. Risks are normal. And they're lower now than they were at first, of course. I'm trying. What do I do?

Renat Akhtyamov:

Come on, try running what I call RAKETO:

and there's a million different things like that, actually.

Anywhere the price will go.