From theory to practice - page 1865


This is a rate change. The date of the meeting was known a month in advance.

It is a decoupling of the franc from the euro.

No interest rate change will cause this kind of turmoil.

Although there was that too, what about a negative rate)))) When has that ever stopped speculators)


I mean, don't trade there for a month. Don't trade here for a month. Is that right?

Where to trade then?

This is a unique case. There is a lot of fuss going on with the pound as well))))

Evgeniy Kvasov:

This is a unique case. There is a lot of fuss going on with the pound as well))))

As I understood on the forum of one famous brokerage house -

When the downward movement began - the shorts were also thrown out of this feast by drawing a hairpin upwards)

Pound yes , and january 3rd this year is fine too)

Evgeniy Kvasov:

Rollback))))))))) By Fibonacci))

))) Great. Is the thread still active or has it gone to the floodwaters? I heard it's a good place to discuss fat and/or flattened tails )


As I understood on the forum of one famous brokerage house -

When the downward movement began - the shorts were also thrown out of this feast by drawing a hairpin up).

Poundik yes and January 3rd of this year is ok too)

The year is coming to an end. It's Christmas next week and a new year there. I think we should get out of the bull's-eye))) until 2020


Why the silence?

Waiting for my signal?

After the 8-)))).

I just don't know how to turn the 8 on its side)))

Told you you'd be bored without me)))

Aleksey Mavrin:

))) Great. Is this thread still active or has it gone to a rabble-rouser? Cause I hear you can talk about fat and/or bushy tails here.)

No, it's not. Real discussions are welcome. In anticipation of new philosophical thoughts, this thread is alive.


8 to the side - infinity.

By the end of the year, 500mdr goes to market. Dow Jones is also overvalued. I think we are in for some big shocks.

Алексей Тарабанов:

8 to the side - infinity.

By the end of the year, 500mdr goes to market. Dow Jones is also overvalued. I think we are in for a big shock.

It no longer matters who prints the money, but who prints it.

So we conclude. Time is fuzzy, but clear.

Uladzimir Izerski:

It no longer matters who prints the money, but who prints it.

So we conclude. The timing is blurred, but clear.

You can print as much empty money as you like.

Just keep it.

Keep the promissory notes. It's legal)))