From theory to practice - page 1799

Uladzimir Izerski:

If you look closely, it turns out that the speculator is always a buyer.

First he buys one currency and then the other in return. It does not matter that the spread is taken all at once.

A client, on the other hand, has changed currency in a bank and gone to the supermarket. He does not need to buy it back.


Do you feel the difference?

If the question is for me, it's too hard to handle

Renat, clear!

Come on.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Nirvana is just the opposite )

Nirvana is a concept in a number of religious and philosophical traditions, denoting a state of liberation fromsuffering.

In the common sense, nirvana is a state in which there is no suffering, passions; a state of peace, supreme happiness .

A transcendent state of lasting peace and contentment.

Gradually one comes to understand that renata formulae are magic formulas with all their attributes: passages, dances, incantations and other magical actions.

Магическая формула - это... Что такое Магическая формула?
Магическая формула - это... Что такое Магическая формула?
Магическая формула Заклинание — какая-либо определённая последовательность слов (или бессмысленных звуков), имеющая магическую силу. С помощью заклинаний люди пытались добиться исполнения желаний, которые они не могли осуществить обычным способом (повлиять на погоду, урожай и т. п.). В отличие от молитв, которые являются лишь просьбами к Богу...
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Nirvana is just the opposite )

Nirvana is a concept in a number of religious and philosophical traditions, denoting a state of liberation fromsuffering.

In the common sense, nirvana is a state in which there is no suffering, passions; a state of peace, supreme happiness .

A transcendent state of enduring peace and contentment.


Yousufkhodja Sultonov:


Not a pleasant word.

Nirvana is better.

Renat Akhtyamov:

To prevent this from happening, we need to calculate the risk correctly, taking into account the EU guidelines for maximum price deviation in a currency snake

and on the plus side, all the movement has to be in the trading account

and it's still possible to reinvest.

I personally reconsidered the risk calculation today.

Now it's going to work for years.

where can i see these recommendations?

because i am assuming that BV-regulation has not been abolished, but simply removed from the public domain. Finance is wildly conservative and if there were any rules, they remain. They can't just be taken out and crossed out

And a little bit about the Waiters:

I flattered them with the cumulative position - it's closer to the worst

Renat Akhtyamov:

the price is calculated on a tic-tac-toe basis

in 40 years not a single mistake, not on a single timeframe, not on a single major

So it turns out the price is predetermined for the future))


So it turns out the price is pre-determined for the future))

Of course, but we need a formula ... They say there is one on every corner, I looked all over the place but couldn't find it ))

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Of course, just need a formula ... I was told it was on every corner, I looked all over but I couldn't find it )).

It's not a dough button))

It's the other way around.

"Principles" need to be found to suit oneself and one's tasks/styles/abilities.

One has found and uses a formula etc. - and it works for him. The other takes formulae - it does not work. As the number of "users" grows, formulae lose effectiveness and are sent to the junkyard of beaten up systems.

One opened buy A and closed it with a profit. The other one opened buy A, closed in the negative ...