From theory to practice - page 1536


Or maybe trends still need to be looked for?

A rebound from Mashka, if you're lucky. Mashka is a wicked woman)))

No matter how you cite it, you have to trade the original series, not the transformed one. I.e. the trend component must also be taken into account and predicted. Either look for places where it does not exist. Here is the key, repeated a hundred times over.
Do you trade only horizontal fluxes?


what does it mean?

trend is our friend on the fund

...entry when movement from the average resumes in the direction of that average.

Meaning: if the average is pointing upwards and price has moved upwards, moving away from the average, then buy. And vice versa.


More than that.

Well, who are Shiryaev and Pastukhov? Answer: they are just pygmies compared to Kolmogorov, Einstein, Bachelier, etc. - The answer is that they are just pygmies compared to Kolmogorov, Einstein, Baschelier, etc.

Kolmogorov's article "Interpolation and extrapolation of stationary random sequences", theoretical and experimental works of great researchers of "the law of the root of time", including Gann, directly indicate that - bring the real VR to the required stationary form with additional conditions to ACF, spectral density, etc. and that's it, it's done.

Here on the forum, Warlock has said a billion times - it's all about transforming the original BP, no one even pays attention... Paradox!

The weaklings and pygmies of the spirit can only giggle and pick their noses here, anything but work. Ugh!

To those who expected miracles from me, and are now, you see, upset and ironic, I say: fudge you, not the Grail! There will be no cooperation with you. And I'll get to it anyway, though not as quickly as I'd like.

That's all I said. Have a nice day.

Who's Wizard? Just another forum fantasist? How is he different from the others? Has he been monitoring a real account with regular income? I don't think so.

Train your instincts, Alexander. Nothing better than a brain has been invented yet.


Who's Warlock? Just another forum fantasist? How is he different from the others? Has he been monitoring a real account with regular income? I don't think so.

Train your instincts, Alexander. Nothing better than a brain has been invented so far.

It is not reasonable on a forum where mainly programmers hang out, to deny automated trading and call for a manual one. Where to apply the art of the programmer then). If there is nothing better than the brain, then why can't this brain come up with an automatic profitable TS? )))

do you only trade horizontal flats?
At least I try to.

Who's Warlock? Just another forum fantasist?

Yeah. .


...entry when the move from the average resumes in the direction of that average.

Meaning: if the average is pointing upwards and price has moved upwards, moving away from the average, then buy. And vice versa.

And we can get into such a thing as the trend is over).

This also applies to flats.

The biggest problem is determining what is ending without taking a loss


Who's Warlock? Just another forum fantasist?

Yeah, but he's also a part-time teacher.

not a sorcerer, but a magician (with a small letter).

And you can get caught up in such a thing as a trend is over)

The same goes for the flotsam.

The biggest problem is spotting what's ending without catching a moose.

And it is possible with a simple trick not to get caught. At least on your screenshot.