From theory to practice - page 1396

You should not think so, solving this problem for its participants in addition to compulsory knowledge requires only some ingenuity, and is especially useful precisely in the "practical sense"
And what kind of fools are you for the upper or lower.....
One politician states
To defeat your enemy, raise his children.... Like
Isn't that what the knowledge quota does?)

Renat Akhtyamov:

Sash, we've been in a flat for over half a year now.

Now it's the time of the flat type grail...

All of this is pampering, because you haven't done a history test.

Yeah, I haven't, alas...

I don't know how to do it...

Even if you take the already thinned ticks as OPEN/CLOSE S1 from Dukas website, they do NOT match in terms of quantity. with mine. I.e. the tick volumes of my DC and Ducasare different.

Moreover, my broker has no tick archives at all, I don't know - where to get them from.

I have problems with tests - I can only test on data I personally collect in the process of trading.

All my hope lies solely and only in theoretical basis and power of my TS.

That's okay, your recent post can easily be deleted or corrected
OK . otherwise it just doesn't add up to the maestro's "what's the forum for" question

Yes, I didn't, alas...

I don't know how to do it...

Even if you take the already thinned ticks as OPEN/CLOSE S1 from the Ducas site, they do NOT match in terms of quantity. with mine. I.e. the tick volumes on my DC and Ducasare different.

There is an option with OAnda you can trade with scripts. It has both REST APIs and threads. It's the same with crypto exchanges.
In fact, all this grappling will be on the esp or split for the rich), and you've blown it up into 1300 pages of crap.
Or put a smart house on the whistle.

Yes, I didn't, alas...

I don't know how to do it...

Even if you take already thinned ticks as OPEN/CLOSE S1 from Dukas site, they do NOT coincide in terms of quantity. with mine. I.e. the tick volumes of my brokerage company and those of Dukas are different.

Moreover, my broker has no tick archives at all, I don't know - where to get them from.

I have problems with tests - I can only test on data I personally collect in the process of trading.

All my hope lies solely and only in theoretical background and power of my TS.

here's a test for the last six months

and as of 2016, it is instantaneous

so it's like ....

the main thing is not to cry bitterly, you don't need to get into credit

a really earning system does not need more than $10 in capital, it needs to be equivalent in earnings to a system with a capital of 1 million quid !!!

that's why all this talk about the CU in an hour is bullshit.

the more risk that does not lead to a loss, the better the protection

the main indicator of stability of any trading system is the ratio of maximum risk multiplied by days of work to maximum drawdown, taking into account your income, for example, for 5 years (1825 days)

Knowing that figure, measure up to your health

Chegevar: risk = 45, drawdown = 12, in work = 6*30 = 180 days, income = 28.86 / 100 = 0.29

45*180*0,29/(12*1825)= 0,1073

who is bigger?

От теории к практике
От теории к практике
  • 2019.06.30
Добрый вечер, уважаемые трейдеры! Решил было на какое-то время покинуть форум, и сразу как-то скучно стало:)))) А просто читать, увы - неинтересно...
Renat Akhtyamov:

Sash, we've been in a flat for over half a year

Everything is relative and depends on which dimensionality to consider. Any flat is made up of trends:) Only smaller ones.


Everything is relative and depends on which dimensionality to consider. Any flat is made up of trends :) Only of lower dimensionality.

Hooray!!! The old timers come back sometimes!

The Wizard (not to be confused with the Sorcerer!) is back with us. Which means we are on the right track to the Grail. Let us live.


Hooray!!! The old-timers come back sometimes!

The Wizard (not to be confused with the Sorcerer!) is back with us. Which means we're on our way to the Grail. Let us live.

Mirages, mirages on the horizon)).


Renat Akhtyamov:

here's a test from the last six months

and since 2016 it's instantaneous.

so it's kind of like .....

the main thing is not to cry bitterly, you don't have to go into credit.

a really earning system does not need a capital of more than $10, it should be equivalent to earning a system with a capital of 1 million quid!

that's why all this talk about TC in an hour is bullshit.

The worst thing is that most people don't realise what type their TS belongs to, and they don't know what type it belongs to. The worst thing is that most people are not aware of the type of their TS, and how to determine it. I have, for example, two ideally working systems on flat and trend, combining which I hope to do something like what you are talking about. Although I'm currently more inclined to launch two systems simultaneously - which one will be more adequate to the market and will "win". I believe that all brilliant things are simple, even when it comes to Forex.
Aлександр Антошкин:
OK . otherwise it just doesn't add up to the maestro's "what's the forum for" question.

definitely not for rudeness. It is always easier to apologise.