From theory to practice - page 1018


)) ok, we'll wait. I have something similar. It's tradable in principle, but there are no stops and it's possible to lose trades.


)) ok, we'll wait. I have something similar. In pure form it is tradable in principle, but stops are absent of course, and losing trades are possible.

Wouldn't it be simpler to use the old method, but with a modern interpretation?

Here we have the trend and the flat, support and resistance levels. All in Versace's new clothes.)

I found the key by accident. My mother-in-law is a big deal)))


Uladzimir Izerski:

It's the physicists!

I never said I was a physicist.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

I never said I was a physicist.

Sorry, didn't mean to offend you).

Uladzimir Izerski:

Sorry, didn't mean to offend you).

It's okay.) You don't offend me, you just make me laugh.)

Evgeniy Chumakov:

It's OK )) You do not offend me, you just amuse me.)

That's good. As long as they don't cry.

I'm working on a new indicator and sometimes use it to test the trades.

My mother-in-law says it should work.



Offtopic, of course - but man, what's with all the tricks on MT4 and XP, Vista? Well, it works like a Kalashnikov!

I am absolutely convinced that no MT5, Win10 and a computer with a billion processors will help. Well, not from the word "at all".

It's all nonsense and directing efforts and money of young suffering people (or rather money of their unfortunate parents) to nowhere.

That's it. I will not write on this subject anymore.

(I won't say anything about minors, but professionals are judged by the tools with which they work.)

An electrician came to my dacha the other day (a pole had to be climbed). I looked at his tools, so immediately it all became clear. (Shit, I had to get him not only the tools, but also a safety belt). Not only that, he had never seen CIP cables or accessories and had no idea what to do with them. I ended up paying, even though he owed me, for the training).

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I won't say anything about minors, but an expert craftsman is judged by the tools he uses).

An electrician came to my dacha once (he had to climb a pole). I looked at his tools, so immediately it all became clear. (Shit, I had to get him not only the tools, but also a safety belt). Not only that, he had never seen CIP cables or accessories and had no idea what to do with them. I ended up paying him, even though he owed me for the training).

I'll crimp the RJ45 with a screwdriver, expensive, with mats. ;)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I won't say anything about minors, but an expert craftsman is judged by the tools he uses).

:)) Who told you, Grandpa, that my computer is a tool for work? My tools are my head, paper and a fountain pen. Get it? Go repair radios.


:)) Who told you, grandpa, that my computer is a tool for work? My tools are my head, paper and a fountain pen. Get it? Go fix a radio.

I'm telling you, it's the tool that counts.)

Instead of practicing wit, you'd better read your posts, young man. They gave you a key there. You don't want it, don't take it.)