From theory to practice - page 995

And in numbers is it - ?

I don't know, I haven't counted it yet, I'm getting teary-eyed.


Renat Akhtyamov:

I don't know, I haven't counted it, I'm watching it, I'm getting teary-eyed.


Exactly! You have to count both balda and bulda...
Exactly! You have to count the balances and the bulldogs...

all on the plus side, not a single loss

What's there to count?

I'm about to make 1000 trades, I'll post a screenshot...
Renat Akhtyamov:

all in the black, not a single loss.

What's there to count?

I'm about to make 1000 trades, I'll show you a screenshot.
All right, we'll wait and see and rejoice.
Mullions in the front foot? ;)
Well, if it took 3 hours, then it's a rush job for sure. And what sum for the open positions went to the broker? On which pairs and how much?

What difference does it make how much is gone, you have to count how much came in.

Renat Akhtyamov:

all in the black, not a single loss.

What's there to count?

I'm about to make 1000 trades, I'll show you a screenshot.
What is it?
Alexander's system?
Vitaly Muzichenko:

What difference does it make how much went out, you have to count how much came in.

It's a matter of opinion. Actually, money likes counting, especially when it leaves on a mandatory basis and it is not known whether it will return to its owner at least in theminimum (already spent) amount

Renat Akhtyamov:

all on the plus side, not a single loss

Where to count, then?

There will be 1,000 trades soon, I'll post a screenshot.

I don't know... I don't know if that's possible without a subsequent runaway loss...

Although... We all know that the market has a "memory", when the next value, or at least the sign of the next price increment, is completely dependent on previous states.

If Rene managed to crack the secret of "memory" of the market, then - why not? Pourquoi pas?


Hmmm... I don't know if that's possible without a subsequent unrestrained drain...

Although... We all know that the market has a "memory" where the next value, or at least the sign of the next price increment, is entirely dependent on previous states.

If Rene has managed to crack the secret of the "memory" of the market, then - why not? Pourquoi pas?

that's what I'm looking at

she's where everyone's at a loss.